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Georgeconna last won the day on June 17

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    trying to model for the past 40 years.


  • Interests
    Planes, Boats and Trains


  • Occupation
    DB Schenker - Air Freight Imports

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  1. I would expect the Steam outline stuff to be slightly compromised too as a wide body over narrow wheels will look kinda daft.
  2. Can you get a etched saw and cut them off a and reposition them if it bothers you. I expected the case it was to match the 10000's of UK outline stuff that had been released over the years masquerading as Oirish.
  3. Got mine today, yeah from China too!, pity a layout was not delivered as well LOL! , Love to have a shunt with them!
  4. I had that too back in the 80's! Class stuff.
  5. Must of left the EU at some stage on its Journey. The EU's new advance cargo information system ICS2 supports implementation of this new customs safety and security regulatory regime aimed to better protect single market and EU citizens. It will collect data about all goods entering the EU prior to their arrival. Economic Operators (EOs) will have to declare safety and security data to ICS2, through the Entry Summary Declaration (ENS). The obligation to start filing such declarations will not be the same for all EOs. It will depend on the type of services that they provide in the international movement of goods and is linked to the three release dates of ICS2 (15 March 2021, 1 March 2023, and 3 June 2024).
  6. Lovely work Darius.
  7. The A is derailed so you might want to look at the track there. Gives the points a right smack.
  8. No answer anyhow, Emailed there like you suggested....
  9. Very nice, The Clandestine version! Good Choice of Diesel too,Really like those diesels.
  10. Hi Stephen, question for you are you guys posting out replacements or are we to contact you guys to get these are per the outline spec of the model itself? I see these are available to buy also?
  11. bit or a retro fit so to an MR.2! What a Fantastic little film. Never seen that before.
  12. Floor in today. Now the big sort out from loft to shed. Still a bit to do.
  13. For Kaydee Fans Enniskillen Model shop have them on the shelves there. when I talked to the lads they said call and they will post no bother, No customs fees. £10.75 a pack. Modellers Corner
  14. Those well tanks are lovely runners too.
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