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Georgeconna last won the day on October 2 2024

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About Georgeconna

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  • Biography
    trying to model for the past 40 years.


  • Interests
    Planes, Boats and Trains


  • Occupation
    DB Schenker - Air Freight Imports

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  1. Lever it off with a small screwdriver, clips at both ends.
  2. Looking forward with Trepidation to getting mine, Will book end the Bulleid locos I have. Have read some tales of woe regarding wheels falling off and broken models.
  3. I must admit how the rendition of the tarps came out on the ball Clay option is truly wonderful. Really great model. just wow!
  4. Looks Great! nice and warm...ish!! have a lovely Christmas down there!
  5. 2nd update dropped 5 days ago, Enjoy the Airship tour! the skills this lad has are amazing. The cobbles, The ballast...the everything!!
  6. Lucky to Visit this Railway in the 2000's, Sad to see the coal going but sit back, chuck it on the BIG Screen, Crank up the Volume and enjoy the sights. Happy Christmas lads.
  7. Nice job on the Beluga. Those panel lines are well trenched for that scale!!
  8. Georgeconna


    Try turning down the Sound volume, I have had that on a previous loco where the sound caused the issue. I think it was a Bachmann class 47 , CV63. try dropping it down to a low value and then if it is ok raise it back in increments.
  9. Georgeconna


    Where bouts are you lad? Perhaps someone can help out locally?
  10. bit light on the info on those, any Box? have the Ran? extra bits in the box including the ol wobble reducer.
  11. Hi lads, Just a shout out to this crowd, They are not in the supplier list but have a wide range of modelling tools, Paints and LED light of one I got for the missus along with a few jars of leaves for myself. they had a stand at the IPMS show in November last showing some nice modelling ranges. Ordered yesterday and arrived today. Great service. EireHobbies - Ireland's premier hobby and model store!
  12. Mad, Good choice, I See the white outline too now in that picture, Never seen that before!. Probably will be a Blue job with the Chevrons. made a good few of those kits .
  13. Nice, Never noticed the white outline chevrons before. MIR never had them on their decals, the ones I did anyhow. Looks really smart. Just what to choose is the problem.
  14. Georgeconna


    New or 2nd hand? As Bos says, Check the wheels, track and pick ups if you can see them for dirt and maybe use a bit of wihte spirits and a cotton bud to clean them up. Maybe stick a vid up here too. Nice loco BTW to have.
  15. I know you lads have it earlier that us but thats hit well early!! Lovely loco Jack, Some nice bargains popping up HO wise I have noticed as well. I do find it strange the some of the valve gear on the continental models is plastic. The UK stuff seems to be all metal. I came across a vid about the red painted frames and wheels on you tube and it was the ideal colour to detect cracks apparently and not for Atheistic reasons!
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