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Posts posted by Weshty

  1. Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year to all you modellers out there!


    To the posters, the lurkers, the anonymous ones, the rivet counters, the have a go harrys, the collectors, the livery heads, the kettle lovers, the diesel heads, the brake van fetishists...and the DMU bods, Santa has a little space in his heart for each and every one of yee :)

  2. Bizarrely I've never had a desire to have a model Sulzer, but this thread may well convert me. The emerging kit looks great and very complete with detailing, lights and now a possible chassis that should live up to the quality of the models appearance.


    Thanks Noel. Lights are not included in the rereleased version.

    The donor price is not yet finalised, but I hope to do kit +donor + postage for c. €155.

  3. Pearls before swine....




    Oh dear Gentle Lord....swoon, flutter, weak at the knees etc. etc.

    That is just glorious. It's one thing to build it, but can you imagine the r&d to get that stuff to market???



    And the website is completely functional, does exactly what it says on the tin, no scrolling, just two clicks and you're there.

  4. None, provided you work with one powered bogie. Powering the second can be done with a suitable application of jiggery pokery. But irregardless, she will have 12 wheel pickup. Very handy over points.


    One thing on the plastic one is that the human turning handles are a bit more discrete and may be left in place, whereas the die-cast handles need to be modified. http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=4048&d=1353512393



    Interesting, I got the plastic one second hand (which I had mucho desired as a young fellah). It's a lovely job, but I have always planned to etch the handwheels and other little bits and pieces just to give it that little boost. Your comment has inspired me to put this to the front of the queue.

  6. Folks,


    As promised, some Sulzer kit donor chassis photos. The cut and shutting is very straightforward, and the diecast metal responds superbly to superglueing.


    A nice bonus is that the NEM pockets hang below the front face and are easily accessible.


    ssm sulzer donor2.JPG


    ssm sulzer donor1.JPG

  7. Unfortunately, you need the boxes for things like that.


    Coaches like that are so expensive, you'd be afraid to run them....and certainly not at a show where you'd be paranoid they'd get stolen.


    Mind, though, Golden Age coaches are cheap (and not very well-detailed) compared to the ones made by this fella




    I'm loving that buffet detail.

  8. Des,


    Could this also be a potential donor chassis for the A Class kit?


    (Apologies if this is slightly off topic and SSM does'nt produce the A class. Just a general query.)


    The A class has a wider wheel base, so not suitable, and not on my radar at the moment.

  9. Folks,


    To update you, I've just completed kit-bashing the new donor chassis and it is looking very positive. The body sits well on it and the work required to convert it for the Sulzer requires just two hacksaw cuts and a single drilling.



    I will post further once it is ready for presentation.


    Suffice to say that I will be selling this as a full package, price to be finalised, but will be less than €155 all in, including postage (Irish rates, UK will be €1.50 more).

  10. Folks,


    to reiterate, I am looking at another donor at the moment (central motor and diecast body). I need to finalise kitbashing suitability.


    If appropriate, the kit, the donor and post would be c. €150.


    So far, the donor's bogies fit the Sulzer side frames like a glove. More anon.

  11. Jayz lads, but that is some tidy bit of architectural detective work. Great reading in that.


    Replacing slated roof with corrugated for the sake of saving a few shekels on support and maintenance??? Now THAT is cheap and nasty.

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