Heirflick- (and Weshty)- sorry, that's not (as I thought when I posted) an SSM kit, it's one of the old TDM kits. I subsequently find in another box, along with the buffers, springs and valves not yet put on the J26, a half- built J15... this time actually SSM. I've forgotten a lot in 20 years! By the way, anyone need a MGWR chimney casting? I used a friend's lathe to make the later variety all those years ago.
Also, sadly, with 20 years' storage, the mechanism is rather siezed. A bit of chassis rebuild is called for- with great trepidation as the way I built it, you can't remove the motor without taking the wheels off their axles, and with P4 tolerances getting them back on, and aligned, and still sticking together, is a project I could have done without. I'll try to do it right this time.
Anyway, planning the place to run it- no name yet (Lissamona? Gortnalour? Knockannamurnagh? Kenieragh Wharf?)- it's going to be a small town, probably by the sea (Baltimore- or Timoleague- ish), with the town clustered about. So it will need a pub. This one is not a million miles from one I had a good time in, back in the Seventies, in Ballycotton, a bit east of Cork:
(Tin whistle, flute and fiddle in decreasing order of aptitude if anyone's interested).
McGrath's Bar.pdf