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Everything posted by rebelred

  1. Best of luck George, you'll be sadly missed, you are a gent to deal with & your help has been invaluable. Im delighted your gonna keep the weathering up as your work is top class & ive plenty more jobs for you still!! Good luck mate & hopefully I'll catch you before you leave.
  2. Thanks ill have a look. Hattens look my best bet though
  3. They were on ebay under birmingham-modellers,but you can contact him directly stuart.clarke@blueyonder.co.uk Think they were £2.50 for a pack of 4
  4. Most of mine are Limas
  5. Thanks for thatmrhd, I got the proper gangways for inbetween the coaches & they recommend those couplers for the authentic look. £3 postage aint too bad, on amazon it was £8!!!!!
  6. Hi guys, just wondering does anybody know where I can get these couplers in Ireland?? (36-060 couplers for Mark III's) I know they are on amazon but the postage is double the price of what they actually cost because they are coming from the uk. Any help is appreciated!
  7. Set has been sold.
  8. sorry guys i made an error in the ad. The Train is a Fleischmann HO scale & NOT a OO!!!! I didn't know HO & OO ran on the same track gauge - apologies! Hope that didnt put anyone off.as i said its a beautiful train,I only used it for display purposes.
  9. Sorry forgot to mention they are 00 scale
  10. Stunning Train, very detailed Loco & 4 carraiges (inc Restaurant & 1st Class Coach) with working interior lighting! Mint condition €150 or willing to swop for Irish models.[ATTACH=[p pp
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