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    62 years old

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  1. top notch
  2. Hi lads not much progress on the layout so far as i want to finish some of the buildings first!!!! thought I'd post this though ,i think its a great model ,john at silverfoxmodels agreed to do it for me the only thing not authentic about it is the windows at one end which were plated over during the refurbishment ,but to be honest i dont really mind!!
  3. anyone have any idea when murphy models will release the 201 class in the new 2015 enterprise livery?
  4. Thanks for the advice some of ye have given so far on gradients,operations,and curves,I appreciate it as this will be my first proper layout, thanks for all the good comments also
  5. Thanks George, this is exactly what I was thinking, a removable middle section which is the main part of the layout, then just have double track for the rest, I went a bit mad with the amount of track I used on the outer loops, but I have changed that yo double track, you could do something similar with your layout
  6. Lads,im just going to forget completely about the rest of the layout apart from the middle section for the next 12 months, im going to build the baseboard for the middle section and get the station /yard completely done,,that wont mean much running of trains but I am willing to wait,
  7. Hi Lads a number of people have no suggested that i should have connolly(the center piece) and the rest just as double track all round I think that is what I will do now ,then maybe in the future when the layout is finished i might build a freight yard ,but lets forget about that for now i thought about a reversing loop at the start,but then i remembered lets say a Dietrich ,that when that would make it back to the terminus that it would be turned the wrong way ,and to be honest i dont want the loco in first and the terminus ,That would look quite odd ,just especially with a pushpull set although that reversing loop would be great for all other stock i suppose i have altered the plan so now its just the center piece(station) an the rest is just a shelf of double track ,and i have changes the gradient to 1:40 by starting the drop 10ft back and dropping it 3 inches so now all the focus will be on connolly station and yard the rest is just double track...and maybe that reversing loop,not sure about it yet as some stock cant use it I will post thealtered plan soon!!!!!
  8. On second thought I think I will bring west Rd junction to the very left of the layout, giving a much less gradient, one question, how much clearence is ideal?, for instance with good accessibility?
  9. the gradient starts at west rd junction which is at the top left and it drops to the next level which is 6 inches below the top level,it takes 9ft to get to the bottom which i think is enough ,although a gradient of 1:50 is ideal but i think this should work. i have never had a layout with a gradient before so any advice on the gradients is more than welcome
  10. Hi Noel ya the terminus can hold a maximum of 10 coaches in platform 4 , with around 8 in platforms 2 and 3 and 5 or 6 in platform 1 the era i am going for is mainly a present scene!! but its 2006-present !!!
  11. Hi Lads I have decided to change my layout completely,I have made this decision because I have a new space in which to build the layout ,I think this is a great idea so I have decided to go with it! The layout is 18x10 This is the plan for the layout and I hope to have it finished within 2 years Let me know what ye think
  12. Some updates: Very little visible progress to date as most of the work has been under the baseboard Once I complete the connolly yard and wire that up I can move onto the buildings Engine shed Carriage maintenance depot Station train shed (roof) Platforms North dublin houses and buildings I hope to get a lot done over the next month ,as I know there is very little done so far!
  13. hi is there any 00 gauge models that could be converted to a 29000 (as close of an appearance as possible )
  14. Are all enterprise diagrams DD operated now with 9003 back? ,Connolly drivers are passed on them?
  15. Hi Lads just a Few quick questions,Does the Dublin based DD ever go to inchicore ,or is it always stabled in connolly,Im nearly certain the DDs have never been in inchicore ,but they probably have ,have they? How long is it ,If ever to a Mk4 refurbishment ,not even a refurbishment but something like fitting plug sockets and carpets ,or just a good clean ,I think these coaches have a lot of potential ,even though the seats are hard id rather them more than any DMU any finally ,will mk4s ever be used alongside the DDs on the enterprise in the near future ,i heard mk4s are going to be used on different routes ?
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