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  1. The next event at Stillorgan is approaching fast and will be taking place on Sunday 9th. February 2020 from 10.30am to 3.00pm. Our usual venue at The Talbot Hotel will be home to some 85 tables packed by top traders and collectors from all over Ireland with an added sprinkling from England on the day. LOADS of model railway items both old and new and there are always bargains to be found here. Massive FREE car park, level and easy access and good catering throughout the show. An event not to be missed! Admission: 4 Euros. www.chrisdyerfairs.co.uk
  2. The fourth (and final one of 2019) Dublin Toy & Train Sale is taking place on Sunday 10th. November from 10.30am to 3.00pm at The Talbot Hotel, Stillorgan. This very fine 4* hotel is located alongside the main N11 dual-carriageway which runs south from the City Centre. The venue has a massive FREE CAR PARK for some 350 vehicles and offers level and easy access plus great catering throughout the show. 85 tables packed by top traders and collectors from all over Ireland plus a sprinkling from England and there will be bargains galore on offer. Many of the stall-holders also welcome items for part-exchange and swapping and there will be large amounts of model railway stock, new and old, on offer and including much IRISH as well as UK, Continental and USA etc. A great day out and one not to be missed...... Admission: 4 euros. www.chrisdyerfairs.co.uk
  3. The third show of 2019 (four dates already booked for 2020) is taking place on Sunday 8th. September next at our usual excellent venue, The Talbot Hotel at Stillorgan. Located alongside the N11 route south from the City Centre, the fine 4* star hotel offers space for 85 tables as well as a massive FREE car park which can accommodate some 350 vehicles. We will have a "full house" of top traders and collectors from all over Ireland aided and abetted by a sprinkling from the UK and you will be able to see some fantastic stock including loads of model railway items, both Irish, British, American, Continental etc. and many great bargains will be on offer. Stall-holders are often also keen to buy and to part-exchange. Good catering available all day and all in all this is a great day out. Admission: 4 euros. www.chrisdyerfairs.co.uk
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  4. Dublin Toy & Train Sale. The second show of the year is taking place on Sunday 9th. June 2019 at our usual great venue - The Talbot Hotel, Stillorgan (alongside the main N11 dual-carriageway) from 10.30am to 3.00pm. 85 tables will be packed with stock by traders & collectors from all over ireland and with a few more attending from England. The hotel boasts a massive FREE CAR PARK, excellent & affordable catering, level and easy access and a superb atmosphere. LOADS OF MODEL RAILWAY STOCK will be on offer including new and pre-owned and both of Irish and UK origin. Some stall-holders are happy to consider your own items for part-exchange etc. Admission is 4 euros. www.chrisdyerfairs.co.uk
  5. The first DUBLIN TOY & TRAIN SALE of 2019 is taking place on Sunday 10th. February at The Talbot Hotel, Stillorgan, between 10.30am and 3.00pm. 85 tables packed with quality & quantity including a great many stalls devoted to model railways, old and new and including a large amount of specific Irish origin. Stall-holders are also mostly keen to buy & swap so do bring your surplus items along. There is a massive FREE car park, level and easy access and first-class catering available throughout the show. Admission: 4 euros.
  6. The next DUBLIN show takes place on Sunday 11th November 2018 at our great venue - The Talbot Hotel, Stillorgan, from 10.30an to 3.00pm. Massive free car park, level and easy access and top caterering available througout the event. 85 tables packed by top traders and collectors from all over Ireland with the added sprinkling of a few UK stall-holders and a good number will be offering large amounts of model railway stock and accessories, old and new. Admission:4 euros. www.chrisdyerfairs.co.uk
  7. The next Dublin Toy & Train Sale is rapidly approaching and is taking place on Sunday 9th. September 2018, from 10.30am to 3.00pm at The Talbot Hotel, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin. A fine venue alongside the south-bound carraiageway of the N11 and this hotel has a massive free car park together with level and easy access for our customers attending. Great catering throughout the event and some 85 tables will be operated by some of Ireland's finest (with a sprinkling from the UK as well). Tops for trains of all types, old and new, including Irish models and desirable for die-cast models of every type. A great day out in a very laid-back atmosphere. Admission: 4 euros. www.chrisdyerfairs.co.uk
  8. The next Dublin show takes place on Sunday 10th. June 2018 at the Talbot Hotel, Stillorgan; located alongside the main N11 dual-carriageway heading south from the City Centre. Great venue with a massive free car park, level and easy access and quality catering throughout the show. 85 tables packed by many of Ireland's top traders plus a sprinkling from the UK and with a large amount of model railway stock on offer including much IRISH. Many traders will welcome your surplus UK or Irish models in part-exchange so do bring them along! Doors open from 10.30am to 3.00pm and admission is 4 euros. www.chrisdyerfairs.co.uk
  9. The next show (and the first one of four taking place in 2018) will be happening on Sunday 11th. February at our usual great venue, the Talbot Hotel at Stillorgan, from 10.30am to 3.00pm. 85 tables packed by top traders and collectors from all over Ireland plus a sprinkling from the UK. Strong on model railways of all types and great for value; traders are also keen to take your surplus items in part-exchange etc. Quality catering at great prices available throughout the show, level and easy access and FREE parking on site for up to 350 vehicles. Admission: 4 euros. www.chrisdyerfairs.co.uk
  10. The next Dublin show (and the last of 2017) will be taking place on Sunday 12th. November at The Talbot Hotel, Stillorgan, from 10.30am to 3.00pm. 85 tables operated by stall-holders from all over Ireland plus a sprinkling from the UK and there will be loads of model railway items, old and new and including much irish stock as well as UK stock etc. Plenty also for the diecast collector with every type of vehicle and machine likely to be there plus associated material as well as transport books and also a good range of dolls accessories and items for the younger person. Admission: 4 Euros. www.chrisdyerfairs.co.uk
  11. The weeks are racing by and the third Dublin Toy & Train Sale of 2017 is approaching fast. Sunday 10th. September next from 10.30am to 3.00pm at the 4* Talbot Hotel, Stillorgan; the venue is large and spacious and offers some 80 tables. Very large free car park, level and easy access and great catering throughout the show. Top traders from all over Ireland plus a sprinkling from the UK and there will LOADS OF TRAINS on sale, new & old, to suit all pockets. Many of the stall-holders are also happy to take your surplus items in part-exchange against their own stock. A wonderful day in this superb venue which is located alongside the N11 dual-carriageway south from the city centre. Admission: 4 euros. http://www.chrisdyerfairs.co.uk
  12. All tables at this show are now fully booked but we are operating a small reserve list in case of any cancellations.
  13. The latest edition of the Dublin Toy & Train Sale will be taking place on Sunday 11th. June 2017 at The Talbot Hotel, Stillorgan from 10.30am to 3.00pm. 85 tables including many with model railways, old and new, and priced to suit all pockets. Traders also want to buy and swap and part-exchange is welcome. Massive FREE car park for 350 vehicles, level and easy access and first-class catering available throughout the show. A FEW TABLES STILL AVAILABLE AT THE TIME OF WRITING. Admission: 4 euros. http://www.chrisdyerfairs.co.uk Local calls: 0868798330 (Dave)
  14. I am pleased to report that I have been invited to attend this show with my trade stand - loads of Irish and UK stock - and I will be there. One week later I will be at the North Down show at Bangor Grammar School for their 2-day show. Chris Dyer Toys & Trains. http://www.chrisdyerfairs.co.uk
  15. The next Dublin Toy & Train Sale (the first of the new year) is rapidly approaching and will take place on Sunday 12th. February 2017 at The Talbot Hotel in Stillorgan. This is a great venue (4* hotel) situated alongside the N11 dual-carriageway, heading south from the City Centre. The hotel offers on-going catering throughout the show and at realistic prices for quality fare; the hotel also boasts a massive FREE car park which can accommodate upto 350 vehicles. There will 85 tables packed with quality stock, by traders mostly from all over Ireland but with a sprinkling from England also. Public entry (4 euros) commences at 10.30am and the show winds-up at 3.00pm. A really happy and enjoyable atmosphere prevails and there will be LOADS OF MODEL TRAINS of all types and scales, on offer. Plenty of diecast plus a couple of great ladies offering dolls accessories etc. Something for everyone and for every pocket. Local call for details: Dave on 0868798330. http://www.chrisdyerfairs.co.uk ** The show is now fully-booked but we are operating a small reserve list for stall-holders **
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