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Posts posted by PaulC

  1. Just impeccable work Eoin, the level of detail is second to none. I suspect that most would omit the idea of adding pipes to their build to make life just that little bit easier. 

    One of the greatest things about this hobby is that there are experts in every field creating works of art the rest of us can only drool over. This morning I’m drooling. 


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  2. Great to see this up and running again GNR.  It sounds like you have a great plan for the layout with a clear idea of what you want from it and the option of making it exhibition worthy is an added bonus for us all. Is the gap at the back of that centre board to do with the drop down chutes or is it for something else entirely?


  3. I have the greatest respect for any modeller wishing to go that extra mile and build there own trackwork. In any scenario I have seen it done it is by far a superior finish to any off the shelf product. 

    You seem to have made giant strides already on the layout and this, I think, is going to be one to watch. 



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  4. Hi Eugene

    Welcome to the forum. I would imagine those that are currently offering RTR product to the consumer could more readily answer the question but I would suspect that if the product is good enough, competitively priced enough and enticing enough you will get the business. 

    All cottage industries require a bit of good fortune and taking a shot in the dark if they are to succeed and I would say yours will be no different. Looking at your photos, you look to be producing some very impressive Soviet stuff so I don't see why that can't be transferred to the Irish market. 


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  5. Patrick, loving these shots of your layout.  A simple plan with lots of detail creating a very attractive scene. Can I ask, what was your method for producing the platform surfaces?  It looks like paper to me but I just can't quite tell. 


  6. Trackwork for the station area is now complete. With the space available I've tried to put an essence of Ballymena in to it although unless you know the track work for the area it probably means nothing to anyone else  :S



    It has been tested with a number of different locos and having rectified a few issues, everything appears to be operating as it should. It'll be some time before I turn my attention to ballasting so plenty of time to iron out any other problems that may arise. 

    In the meantime, I've turned my attention to the more fictitious end of the layout - the branch line. 


    Space here is so limited I will have to add a small extension to the front of the board to accommodate the track. I've said this is fictitious but I am contemplating building a replica of Cullybackey Station to replace the Wills one sitting in the photo. I have an itch to scratch build something and this just might be the cure I need. 


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  7. GNR, don't despair, it happens to us all. I went two years along a road of building GH1 only to discover it wasn't working for me and ripped it all up to start again. That included a lot of track and point purchases all of which were either sold on at a loss or binned. 

    I think you are on to something with your desire to replicate in some form Omagh station. You have the research, the photos, the maps and most importantly, it's of local interest to you which gives you more enthusiasm for it. It's just a matter of finding some aspect of it that you can create in the space available that will please you. It might just be the station building and a couple of tracks. Maybe the goods sidings will appeal more. Whatever it is, don't give up on your idea, it just needs modifying. 

    Keep researching and that flash of inspiration will come to you. 


  8. Is there a page or thread on here for uploading pictures that may be of help to others. Scrolling through some of my pictures I came across a photo I took at Cultra of the plan for Clones engine shed and thought it might be of interest to others. 


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