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Dapol JHA

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I realise this is not an Irish model ! But I am stuck, I have removed the side panel to access the six pin blanking plate in order to fit a decoder to operate the tail light. Problem is I can’t see how to remove blanking plate.

Has anyone done this ? Any help will appreciated.


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I decided to go with an AE DCC Decoder, AED - 6 PD.2. This is 6 pin 2 function decoder.

The problem is, the blanking plate is the thickness of a credit card and the AE has all the circuitry and a wrapper on it, which makes it rather bulky.

I pushed the capacitor to an angle of 15’ and likewise the decoder socket, that allowed enough space to slip in the decoder.

It was then I realised that I didn’t have a loco with a 6 pin socket to program the decoder ! 🤬

I phoned DCC Supplies, a very helpful lady talked me through the process of programming the decoder with it in the wagon.
Place a loco on programming track and the wagon also, I use ECoS Command Centre, rewrite the locos address using the setup menu (icon 3rd in from R/H side on top of screen, spanner on red background), Setup 2, DCC ADD. The loco address is now written on the 6 pin decoder. You can then rewrite new address to the wagon 6 pin decoder. Remove wagon from track and rewrite the loco address.

The tail light is controlled using F0 & F1.

Edited by Turvinlad
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I have run out of paint and am waiting for a can to be delivered, also waiting for a set of SSM IE Auto Balaster transfers from Des.
Progress so far as per photos. 

May not be “prototypical” but it will do me.






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  • 2 weeks later...

I now have all 8 wagons sprayed yellow, I did break off  one of the “Dapol Kadee style coupling” spring, these couplings are stepped and are neigh on impossible to replace the spring and put them back on the wagon. I gave up after breaking 2 replacements.

So I snipped off the trip pin off the original Dapol coupler and super glued the knuckle / buckeye in the closed position. As these wagons will run in a set formation, the working coupler to the non working closed coupler from one wagon to the next does work. I now need to try this method with Kadee couplers on other wagons that have the springs missing, as I have a few. At my advanced age I find minute work very difficult with failing eye sight and stubby fingers.

Des has posted the transfers, so I hope to finish my style “HOBS” very soon.

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For this, I used Humbrol Spray cans, outside with proper mask,  not in direct sunlight and no breeze.

Took a bit of doing as the temperature in London was 24* but got there in the end.

If you don’t try, you may not succeed. Go for it. We all have to start somewhere.

Edited by Turvinlad
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