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Everything posted by TinTin

  1. Sorry for the Wait . Need help in finding what structure on the south bank . I think it might have been a crane . If anybody can help it would be great help .
  2. Like what I see .one to watch.
  3. Thank you Leslie .ive been collecting 00 trains for many years . And this layout is only my second attempt at a railway .My last attempet had mountains but not at this scale . N scale would be best to fit all aspects in . Brunel’s tunnel with bridges ,, wooden trestles would be nice,i was thinking to make the bridges to put in place as they would have stood. The track way and walk way has many tunnels ,bridges , arches , and patch up walls up rights ...concrete patch ups over the years . . Can I ask for some help in finding out what a structure of blocks on the south bank . Find picture .. on the wall below there is a opening. I think it was a make shift crane myself I could be wrong . If you look closely it is on the what was the track bed . Any help in this will be very greatful . With thanks to YouTube for photo ..
  4. Thanks guys . Track is down and running on dc to test at the moment . Track in bray station still a bit rough as I am using new and used points . and fitting it all in the space I have is turning out to be a challenge in its self . N scale would be the way to go ,as to fit every tunnel in as so forth . Looking for the history on the net ,photos and such I find a lot of the same taken in the same spotes over the years that the beauty spot that it is lol .. with help from Noel’s video clip helped in more ways than one total deferent angle and view ...... Thanks Noel
  5. Sorry for delay .work .. hard to find the time . Got about six hours in the past two weeks . But we’ll worth it . Roll on the summer .
  6. Thanks guys . And Noel great help ,,and video will be grand ,right spot too. Its true build it and it will come . (Train that is ) funny part about building a mountain like this is the more I build on to it ,the more the photos change .like every part you look at looks different from different angles. Always been drawn to this mountain in some way . ( close in counters film ) I can’t quit put my finger on it ...but now I can . Lol ps .if i can’t get track laid in side mountain ,,I won’t be able to retrieve derailments. Thank everyone keep you posted. Tin Tin
  7. Hi everyone here is a few more shots . Things have moved on a little . Any feed back welcome . Still trying to get the stones right , but working on it . Have track down on hill . Not sure if I lam happy with it yet but we will see. Hope to get more done over the next week . working long hours and very little time for model . Thanks A
  8. Nice one thank you .
  9. Tks Sean . Lots of paint of all colors . The hardest part so far was cutting the poly board .the stuff goes everywhere . and piles up under your feet .
  10. Tks Sean . its finding the time .shift work .but it’s a great way to relax and get away from it all . Looking forward to doing the swim pool and huts . And the wiring is always fun .lol
  11. Murray thank you for that ,your a wealth of info .I did not know that . And yes that the map . When I finally found the map . I just had to start again . Still had fun .
  12. Love it Popeye lol
  13. Thank you Murray it’s something I always wanted to do . With space also ,, and yes bray station is a tight squeeze and to add a turn table I never knew they had . N scale would be great .ideal . As im finding out with OO points ad length to the model very easy. And there is not a lot of photos or track plans . Lol i have done what seems a lot of research,looking at lots of internet. And came across the ordence survey maps . After I done research lol im going for dcc this time .lets see how I get on.
  14. Its good to be here ,never done this before .thank you all for having me . I have got my space sorted ,now it’s time to do what I always wanted to do . Bray hill ... this is only my second attempt at doing a model but I have been collecting for a long time now . so here goes . Layout size is 16 x11 . I’ll put up some photos . So far .
  15. Hi there .new to this page . I would like to in put . getting back into model rails after a long break . I hope to recreate bray station and some of the bray hill . I have started so far and with a little help I’m sure I can come close to finish . I will post some photos . I liked the gray stones pics thanks for having me tintin
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