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Everything posted by NarrowGauge

  1. I have finally made a start on my 00n3 layout I know it is bare bones at the moment but will try to get bits done on it over Xmas
  2. That it very interesting thanks again
  3. Hi there I recently acquired a load of oo Gauge four wheel vans I thinking about about doing a shunting layout so my question is which era did the four wheels vans go out of traffic so I can get the livery right for the Locos used on the layout thanks in advance I forgot to mention that some are with the snail logo and some have the C.I.E round logo
  4. Right ok thanks for the info good luck getting there in the Landy
  5. Sounds like a plan I wish there was more Narrow Gauge on here some nice models they Gents nice to see other OOn3 models coming out of the cupboards
  6. Yes I thought it was so I bought it anywhere it was only £20 off amazon
  7. I think I have found it ?? Could you please comfirm
  8. I will have a look around for it cheers
  9. Yes my bad it is branchlines
  10. Brings back memories of seeing 146 has station pilot in limerick
  11. Thought I would show a picture of my backwoods T&D no 3 for my proposed 00n3 layout
  12. What do you have left ??
  13. Thanks for the info gents I cannot find much about the U&C so is there anymore info on it just want a ideas for the line route and see if I can fit my layout in to it
  14. Thanks for the advice Gents I will look into the Ulster & Connaught railway has it sounds like they is some scope for a bit of freelancing the layout would be based in the 50’s more scope for mixing stock
  15. Hi there I am looking for any Irish 00n3 stock kits,half built kits,locos,wagons,coaches, What you got get in touch
  16. Hi there over the last few years I have been collecting OOn3 Irish Narrow Gauge stock built up a large ish collection so would like to a build a layout so any ideas for a 4x2 shunting type layout must of the stock is Cavan @ Leitrim but some of it is Tralee and Dingle I have looked up the C&L but cannot find anything any ideas ?? Thanks in advance
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