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Everything posted by LMSNCC

  1. My vote is for the Cement bubbles. As a future idea, possibly the current NIR Ballast Hoppers would be nice
  2. 113 received the darker blue livery in June/July 1989 and received the 8 prefix in April 1999
  3. After reading the above posts I was pretty sure I had seen photos of its time on IE in 2003 so after a bit of searching I found them. Here are the links: http://www.ie071.co.uk/Photo's/111%20Photo/113/023.jpg http://www.ie071.co.uk/Photo's/111%20Photo/113/024.jpg http://www.ie071.co.uk/Photo's/111%20Photo/113/025.jpg http://www.ie071.co.uk/Photo's/111%20Photo/113/026.jpg http://www.ie071.co.uk/Photo's/111%20Photo/113/027.jpg Like the last photo of 113 with the beet beside 112 at Limerick Junction
  4. Was just looking on Hattons website and noticed they have a picture of 077 and 080 with the above mentioned error corrected. Looks like side logo has been corrected also. Its the last picture in both of them: http://www.ehattons.com/59127/Murphy_Models_MM0077_Irish_Class_071_111_diesel_locomotive_in_IE_livery/StockDetail.aspx http://www.ehattons.com/59166/Murphy_Models_MM0080_Irish_Class_071_111_diesel_locomotive_in_NR_orange_black_livery/StockDetail.aspx
  5. 165 and 188 Sold
  6. I have also decided to a add couple more locos to the list. Both are MM0143 in Irish Rail Livery
  7. Hi Railer, yes they are still for sale.
  8. 177 and 156 Sold Update: 146 and 192 sold so only one of each now available
  9. Track sold and removed from list
  10. PM sent to you Rimfix
  11. Hi rimfix The track is all Nickel and is still for sale.
  12. I based my prices on recent ebay items. The last two i watched went for £93+£3P&P
  13. Yeah was thinking that myself but you never know who might have them extra pennies!
  14. .
  15. .
  16. Looks great, can't wait to see the modified 150s. Have a few 150s myself that i intended to modify to 450s that ive never got round too. Scenery also looks great. Reminds me of the approach to Whiteabbey
  17. I dont think you can judge anything by the sales of the Lima NIR 201s. After all they were the wrong shade of blue plus 208 and 209 were both produced. With 209 being the only NIR blue version being produced this time around it should fair a little better plus a lot of people will probably by 2 so to convert the other to 208. I certainly will be! Hopefully another 111 will get produced preferably 111 itself in the same period livery as 112 is modelled as that way it would be easy to convert it to 112 pre LED markerlights, 113 without large yellow warning panel and the current liveries of 8111 and 8113 with large yellow warning panels. Anyway back to the 071s. They look amazing. Really looking forward to getting hold of 071 and 082 in frieght livery and 112. Hopefully the couple of small errors such as IE logo being too big or else its the black band not being big enough on the side of the IE version along with what some people on here have pointed out will be sorted by the time it hits the shops. Wonder will 082 get its own sound decoder?
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