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Everything posted by LARNE CABIN

  1. Thank you, Andy. That is an ingenious idea that I would never have thought of! I can blow up the photo, count the bricks and get a very accurate measurement. That solves my problem. Thanks.
  2. Thank you for that reply, and interest. I have photos of Kingsbog and indeed been to Downpatrick a few times. My problem is that Kingsbog is bigger than either Larne Town or Larne Harbour. I am happy with the detail of a standard NCC Cabin and indeed the window setup etc. at Larne Harbour, so just need a base length as a starting point. Perhaps the only answer is a scale drawing. I may be being too pernicity, but just want to be as accurate as possible.
  3. Hi there, all you expert modellers. I am new to this forum as a contributor, but have been reading lots of your topics for many, many months. I have always wanted to create a model layout, but have never had the time or space until now! When I say space, I have an alcove in a spare room and have a baseboard area of 6ft x 2ft. I have from time to time considered various locations, but recently had caught on to the fact that I can create a fairly realistic model of Larne Harbour Station (1970's) in the limited space available. From various photos I am well on my way to creating a realistic track plan, but I want to model as accurately as possible, within limits, so intend to scratch build the cabin, upper quadrant signals etc. I have a few photos of the cabin, but am unable to determine the size of the base. Studying any material I have available I feel that 60mm (15 feet) is too small and 80mm (20ft) too big length wise. This is my first question to you, probably first of many. Would anyone be able to throw any light on the dimensions for Larne Harbour Signal Cabin, or even better where could I get a drawing of same. Thanking you in advance, any advice welcome.
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