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Everything posted by LARNE CABIN

  1. Thanks @Galteemore, I have been working on the Upper Quadrant Semaphone Signals, as well as the cabin, the track layout etc., and I have purchased the 70 Class etches from Worsley Works and doner coaches and started to work on those. I have also got two Brown Van kits from Leslie, so hopefully as time goes by you will recognise a lot of sights from this unique and nostalgic 70's era. Thanks for the encouragement.
  2. Work on the scratch build of the Signal Cabin continues, albeit at a very slow pace! The pictures below are the result of many, many hours work. The brick base has had numerous coats of acrylic from rust red to brown to orange to get the correct effect, which I am now happy with. The wooden (removable) floor has been inserted (although not visible in the pictures), ready for the lever frame which I am working on. The back wall will not be inserted until the interior of the cabin is complete. The extension under the steps (not sure if this was a WC or a coal store) has been attached to the base and the steps attached to this. I will not add the rail to attach the steps to the sides of the cabin door until further down the line. The hipped roof has now moved on from cardboard tests to get the shape and angles correct to actual slates, but still have to add leading and guttering, so pictures of that next time. In my last post, I said I reckoned I was one third the way through the cabin build. Now I reckon I am two thirds the way through, so more pictures of further progress later.
  3. Thanks, DiveController, yes have searched C-Rail, but didn't come across anything I thought looked close enough! I hadn't realised it was an older type, as you say with recesses for forklift, so thanks for that info.
  4. Thinking ahead on my Larne Harbour Project, way ahead, as I have lots of projects I am currently working on (Track Layout weathering etc., Signal Cabin, Upper Quadrant Signals, Leslie's Brown Vans and recently I have bought the 70 Class etchs from Worsley Works, so lots to occupy me!), but I have been looking around for a good match for the Red Star Parcels Containers used between York Road and Larne Harbour. Can anyone suggest a good match for the container, that I can work with?
  5. Recalling photographs I have seen, Leslie, Richhill looks very accurate and realistic.
  6. Absolutely brilliant, Noel. Thanks for sharing all the detail of the build. I've found it all very informative and helpful as I have just received two UTA Brown Van kits from Leslie which I am looking forward to building for my Larne Harbour project! I have learnt a lot from your thread. Can I just ask what size Kadee you have used on the cattle wagon?
  7. It's been a long time since I have posted any updates on Larne Harbour! It seems that a lot of layouts progress at quite a pace, especially over the last few months when we've all been in lock down. I am very slow however, but have made some progress. I have said above that I have a limited space and want to produce as accurate a model as possible of Larne Harbour in the late sixties/early seventies. I have been working on the scratch build of the Signal Cabin. Apart from the windows and door, the cabin is scrap card, coffee stirrers, match sticks etc. The base is laser cut pieces from LCUT. You get the basic pieces and cut to your own size requirements. (my cabin will be exact scale, based on measurements supplied above by BSGSV, 17' 9" X 10' 5"). My next step will be to paint the base in appropriate brick colours. The grey walkway around the cabin is a false floor, mainly to securely join the cabin to the base (and of course provide the walkway). The actual cabin floor will sit on top of this and will be able to be lifted out. I have started working on the lever frame, from Severn Models, but haven't made sufficient progress yet for pictures! Lastly, the hipped roof! This is my fourth or fifth attempt, using cardboard, to try and get the size and angles right. I'm still not happy with it yet. When I get the shape right, the roof will be built from laser cut pieces from LCUT. I have to say that, although I am very slow, I am really enjoying the challenge of trying to be as accurate as possible. The photo above is the result of many, many hours work! As you all know, it is very rewarding and I am very pleased at the stage I have reached, although I reckon I am just about one third the way through the work required on the cabin. I have been working on other items as well including the Upper Quadrant Signal. The square post for it from the stick of a rocket I found after Halloween last year! The walk way from a Ratio kit and the signal arms from MSE. I hope to post some more pictures of my progress in another month or so. In the meantime, stay well, stay safe and enjoy your modelling.
  8. Would just love to have the original of this! I wonder how much it is worth?
  9. Have now finalised the track layout and am happy that I have as good a representation as possible in the space available. Next step on layout will be to mark position of points and drill holes for point motors before pining down track. Then I intend to take a break from track laying and move on to the Signal Box. The Jinty has just arrived in from Belfast with the materials for the Signal Box build. Contractors will be on site from Monday 18th November, but I am told that it will a two to three month build, as they have other projects to work on at the same time! (I now have a ring binder full of photos, scale drawings etc of the infrastructure at Larne Harbour in the 1970's so am looking forward to the Signal Box build etc. After Whitehead last Saturday, it is a bit daunting getting started after seeing such brilliance from you other modellers, but it is a challenge I am looking forward to. I hope to post photos of the Signal Box build as I move along!)
  10. Just spotted this 1973 picture which just gives a glimpse of a rather pristine Signal Cabin, but also interestingly, a rare view of Harbour Road and the Aluminium Works.
  11. Just one word to describe these layouts, 'awesome', truly inspirational! Arrived very late due to horrible weather so didn't get a chance to speak to a few people I wanted to speak to. Also, my CO who doesn't understand the fascination of 'trains' was waiting for me! Just loved Portadown. Saw it at Cultra last year and could have spent all day on that layout alone. Well done to all exhibitors. Just fantastic!
  12. Thanks Ernie for that photo of the Jeep. That gives a lot of detail for the platform canopy and swan neck lamp both of which I will want to replicate.
  13. This is probably a silly question, but I am relatively new to railway modelling, and although I believe I have a talent for buildings, scenery etc., I know very little about electrics, running etc., just the basics. I am standing on the bridge looking down into Larne Harbour Station. I can see the silver thread of the running line into Platform 1 (used many times each day), and the slightly less silvery, but nonetheless used line into Platform 2 (used a number of times each day). I can also see the rusted track of the hardly used sidings. As I am trying to create as realistic a model of Larne Harbour Station as possible (see my post in Irish Model Layouts) , my question is if I heavily rust the rail on the sidings will I still have power and be able to run a loco over the rusted rail, as I would like to be able to shunt Brown Vans etc?
  14. Hydey, I think you have two choices, 1) go with the BR MK1s, not authentic for an Irish Layout, but the livery is exact and looks brilliant, or 2) save up and try to commission someone to build you a 70 Class Set! Below, 72 at Larne Harbour, my favourite Irish Livery!
  15. I have read many times that part of the enjoyment of modelling is the preparation, investigation, design etc. This forum is truly inspirational and as my aim is accuracy and realism in a limited space I have learned a lot from Tony's Omagh Goods Yard, Patrick's GNRI Signal Box and Waiting Shed and later NCC Diorama, Gerry's Diesel Depot and Paul's Galgorm Hall Ballymena Signal Box, these just picked out as four among many. I have been working on three aspects Larne Harbour, first the baseboard build (Sundeala Board) for my limited alcove space. Track laying experiments in progress, trying to fit a good representation into a limited space. I have had to shorten the platform length and I have left out the turnout from the main platform road, as including it makes the platform look even shorter. However, I have used poetic licence and included a run round on the sidings so that when I eventually get to operate the layout I can shunt some of Leslie's Brown Vans. I think I have captured the sweeping curve into the station. There is room on left foreground for a bit of Harbour Road and Larne Aluminium Works. Olderfleet Road bridge over track in right foreground. After the sweeping curve, the two main defining features are the Signal Box and the Upper Quadrant Platform Starting Signal. I have been working with scale drawings and cardboard cut outs to get an accurate 4mm scale Signal Box and hope to achieve something as good as Paul's Ballymena Signal Box. Most of the base and roof will be from LCUT Creative Materials and the windows from Scale Model Scenery, Lever Frame from Severn Models. For the Upper Quadrant Platform Starting Signal, again I have been working from scale drawings I have painstakingly produced, starting point 7ft, 28mm walkway, from a Ratio Kit. Main Post and shunt signal posts will be Balsa Wood Strip, brackets from LCUT Creative, signal posts from Ratio and signal arms from MSE. Other defining features for Larne Harbour would be the distinctive platform canopy and swan neck lamp. My next piece of work will be to order materials for the signal box and start working on the build for it, so more pictures on progress in a month or so!
  16. Hi Hydey, you can buy MK1 Sealink coaches on eBay. Some are very expensive, but there are a few reasonably priced ones on there at the moment! However, I expect you are talking about Irish coaches and the only coaches that carried the Sealink livery in Ireland was the 70 Class set (72, 725 and 701), painted in Sealink livery in 1983, to promote the link from Larne to Stranraer, BR painting a set of MK1 coaches in the same livery. Worsley Works produce the etched brass sides for the 70 Class Set, but the build would be time consuming and I reckon expensive! The livery would be hard to apply, but I think it was just about the nicest livery on Irish coaches. I am looking into all this myself as a part of my Larne Harbour project, and building the Class 70 set would be a very long term project for me. There are a few experts on this forum who have built 70 Class Sets, and hopefully they could give you some idea of time and cost. Hope this helps!
  17. Fantastic detail Patrick. Love the trees and bushes. Have just noticed the Larne poster on the side of the shed! Looking forward to seeing the diorama in reality at Whitehead.
  18. Wonderful video, just love the interaction between model and reality! Well done both big and wee Tony. Looking forward to meeting you and seeing your NCC Diorama at Whitehead on 9th Patrick. Loved your GNRI Waiting Shed and Signal Box, reminded me of my childhood days at Tandragee, and now an inspiration for getting me started on Larne Harbour, now that I am living in Larne!
  19. Hi Johannes, that is a brilliant plan from Alan, so much detail as of 1930's, a massive challenge to model anything remotely near that! As I said, my model will be 1970's, much simplified track layout etc., but basic structure still intact. I have built my baseboard and almost completed a first go at my track layout to see how it fits and where I need to compromise. I hope to post a few photographs soon. Good luck with anything you are trying to do.
  20. Hi Johannes, as I said at the start of this thread, my space is limited to a 6ft by about 20ins alcove, so I am restricted. Nonetheless, I think I can produce a fairly accurate model of the site as it was in the 1970's. The layout was much simplified by then, but still the same basic structure. I reckon that to model the whole area as it was in that picture would take about 10ft by by 4ft. There was no turntable at Larne Harbour. The engine that hauled the train in was uncoupled, and another engine backed unto the train to haul it away on its return journey to Belfast. The engine that hauled the train in then ran into a siding and waited to haul back the next train. As well, there was a run round facility where the engine was uncoupled and run round it's train and coupled up for the return journey. I intend to have a run round on my model so that a jeep can run round it's train.
  21. Yes, I have a number of photos like that and have been trying to relate the walkway and the two main signal posts and signal arms in comparison to the main post, so l think I am happy with my 16 to 17 feet estimate. Thanks again for your help.
  22. BSGSV, thank you so much for such detailed information. Your measurements match almost exactly what I had worked out from photographs, counting bricks etc., so it is great to have exact measurements. Thank you so much. I am progressing very slowly, but eventually hope to have an accurate model. As you seem to have a lot of detailed information, do you have any notes on the height of the square post on the signal at the end of the platform (from ground level to walkway)?. I have estimated 16 to 17 feet. Any ideas? Again, I am scratch building and hope to produce an accurate signal.
  23. Hi Johannes, as I started this thread on Larne Harbour Station, I thought I should reply to you. I am working on a model of Larne Harbour Station in the 1970's. My progress is very slow, but I have collected lots of photos and am currently working on the signal cabin. My eventual aim is to produce a compact, but accurate model. If you goggle 'Larne Harbour Mixed Guage' you will find a brilliant photo of the station area in 1936, and there a lot of good photos of around the station area, but mostly 60s and 70s. Hope this helps, and goog luck with your search.
  24. How about Tasmania?
  25. Have really missed seeing what everyone is doing and what is happening. One weeks absence just proves how valuable an asset this forum is, both to the very experienced and amateurs like myself. Welcome back!
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