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Everything posted by finnyus

  1. Out of fear, I just ignored it....
  2. Evening all, I've uploaded some photographs taken in Dublin, Kildare and Laois, taken today: http://www.flickr.com/photos/finnyus/ Includes: - GM 075 with the Waterford - Ballina DFDS - GM 080 with the Westport - Waterford timber F.
  3. Evening all, I've uploaded some photographs taken by my brother of parts of the Cork, Bandon and South Coast Railway at locations: - Gogginshill - Halfway - Milleenanannig http://www.flickr.com/photos/finnyus/sets/72157627003687858/with/8562446726/ Also, a photograph of 084 was uploaded earlier in the week in Waterford: F.
  4. Evening all, I've uploaded some photos taken this morning at Waterford: http://www.flickr.com/photos/finnyus/ Includes 084 (orange 071 class) with 3 timber wagons heading for Limerick. F.
  5. Afternoon all, A few photos from Midleton, Myrtlehill & Cork: http://www.flickr.com/photos/finnyus/ F.
  6. Evening all, just uploaded some photographs of the ITG 'Docklands Pioneer' railtour (31.03.2007): http://www.flickr.com/photos/finnyus/ F.
  7. Absolutely stunning work !
  8. Evening all, I've added some photographs taken today : http://www.flickr.com/photos/finnyus/ Locations include: - Mallow - Cork Kent - Killarney Junction - near Banteer - near Millstreet @hidden-agenda, I don't think I've any closeups of any wagons. Here is a set of non-passenger workings on Irish Rail: http://www.flickr.com/photos/finnyus/sets/72157625278996360/with/7556550764/ Maybe one of those might help? Fin.
  9. Evening all, I've added some photos taken over the past few days: http://www.flickr.com/photos/finnyus/ Locations include: - Rathduff - Ivyhouse Bridge - Glounthaune - Killacloyne - Cork Kent F.
  10. That is incredible work! Well done. Cannot wait to see the end result of the girder bridge!
  11. Afternoon all, A few photographs taken at Sallins, Drumcondra, Ashtown and Clonsilla on Saturday 16 Feb 2013: http://www.flickr.com/photos/finnyus F.
  12. Thanks lads. There was no moment near Fota
  13. Morning all, A few photographs taken on Tuesday, 12 February 2013 at the following locations: - Glounthaune - Lower Glanmire Road / Myrtlehill - Rathpeacon (sidings currently being lifted) http://www.flickr.com/photos/finnyus/ F.
  14. Evening all, I've uploaded some photos taken over the last few days: http://www.flickr.com/photos/finnyus/ Includes: - Limerick Juncton - Limerick Colbert (stored 27's, cement bubble and ballast wagons) - Roscrea - Ballybrophy - Athenry - Galway - 28's operating in East Cork Also added some photographs taken of the Carrickabrick Viaduct near Fermoy. -- F
  15. Evening all, two updates from me: - Lisnagry, Castleconnell, Birdhill & Kilmastulla - East Cork http://www.flickr.com/photos/finnyus/ F.
  16. Evening all, Just put together a "2012: A Year in Review" set: http://flic.kr/s/aHsjDqGNUA Happy New Year! F.
  17. Hi all, I've added some updates from the weekend: http://www.flickr.com/photos/finnyus/ Includes: - NIR's GM 112 hauling 8208 from Belfast to Connolly - RPSI's no. 461 hauling the "Santa Express" spl - GM 083 hauling the RPSI "Santa Express" spl F.
  18. After operating Waterford - Limerick Junction at the weekend, 2800 class railcar 2819/20 made an appearance in Cork on Wednesday, operating Midleton services. Here it is operating the 1315 Cork - Midleton & 1345 rtn: F.
  19. Thanks for the comments Rich! I've uploaded some photos of a pre-Christmas trip from Waterford to Limerick Jct: http://www.flickr.com/photos/finnyus/ F.
  20. Evening all, I've added some new photos to my Flickr stream: - Hastings Diesels 'A Canterbury Trail' railtour (24.11.2012): http://flic.kr/s/aHsjCYahYn - 2800 class railcar operating in East Cork: http://flic.kr/ps/xEEnu F.
  21. Evening all, I've uploaded photos from the "Rosslare Rambler" railtour which operated on the 25 June 2005: http://www.flickr.com/photos/finnyus/sets/72157632028896718/with/8191960118/ F.
  22. Evening all, A few photographs taken on Saturday, 10 Nov 2012 at the following locations: - Limerick Junction - Tipperary - Emly - Shinanagh http://www.flickr.com/photos/finnyus/ F.
  23. Evening all, I've uploaded some photos from the past month onto my stream: http://www.flickr.com/photos/finnyus/ Includes: InterRail trip (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Hungary and Poland) - still more photos to be added GM 218 at Midleton with the Sperry wagon - first time a member of the class operated to Midleton GM 076 with the Sperry in East Cork ICR 14 operating from Midleton to Tralee F.
  24. Evening all, I've added a few new photos to my Flickr site: http://flic.kr/ps/xEEnu Includes: - 209 & 218 crossing on the Monard Viaduct - Mourneabbey - Rathpeacon - 079 with the Sperry @ Heuston - Kerry Road. F.
  25. Afternoon all, here are some pictures taken over the last few days, including GM 082 hauling 461 plus the RPSI Cravens out of Kilkenny: http://www.flickr.com/photos/finnyus F.
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