Thanks for the kind words, Galteemore.
As can be seen, the CIE coaching stock is mainly by Roger Cromblehome (Alphagraphix). I've a number more to build. The all first 1144, seen by Waterford signal cabin, was scratchbuilt by Jeremy Clements (Meath RTR), who also scratchbuilt a GNRI rake for me. This comprises six coaches that I call my Enterprise set - D5, C2, K17, K15, F16 and L14. The latter was I think, actually from Worsley Works. Jeremy also built a J4, J11 and I13.
Wagons are a motley lot - RTR repainted, kit built British wagons slightly or somewhat modified, scratchbuilt, resin kits produced by Harry Lewis (CIE cattle wagons), and more recently 3D prints by Shapeways, and by Ken McElhinney. My Bulleid beet wagons came from Gerry Hoey, as did various vans.
I've a huge amount of GWR as well. Here are just some of the locos. These are the non-GWR origin.