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About Majesitc_Trains

  • Birthday 01/11/2002

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    Yes I know I spelt my username wrong, I can't figure out how to change it.


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  1. Hi, I'm not too familiar with all the kits you have in the range, which ones do you make? I noticed some Bullied Wagons and covered H wagons in some photos on another thread which look appealing, and do you have any brake van kits?
  2. I have seen quite a few posts with CIE wagons from provincial wagons, and they look pretty good. I have 1950s era CIE locomotives (an A and 372) but I do not have any rolling stock for these, and was wondering where to get these wagons from? The website appears to be dead, is the company still operating elsewhere? Thanks.
  3. Anyway officer, here's the actual evidence of trainspotting! The 071, no. 086 is coincidently the one I have a model of, nice to see the real thing.
  4. Ah you've caught me! Spying to find the average delay to the enterprise when they route a DART in front of it!
  5. I know where I stand in terms of spotting in the UK, but I'm unfamiliar with rules and laws on IE so I didn't really want to risk it, especially since i left my passport in belfast. I ended up going to a strip of grass along side the road with a good view of the causeway and got some good shots there. In terms of the taras, I saw a loaded one pass me around Howth junction, which if the Drogheda commuter wasn't late i would have seen. I saw the same train return later empty before i got kicked off the station. Another loaded one may have passed by while i was in the casino model railway, but I didn't hear anything that sounded like an 071.
  6. Got kicked out of Malahide station, apparently filming isnt allowed for some reason. Ive spent entire days at Drogheda and Killdare before and no one has said anything. The security guy was really quite rude, and even threatened to call the guards. I wonder if he was just some rent-a-thug taking his job too seriously.
  7. Yeah, i saw one come through Howth Junction at about 11, so that would seem about right.
  8. Does anyone know what times the Taras, both loaded and empty, typically pass through Malahide? The only times i could find were from 2014, and I'm guessing these are outdated by now.
  9. I'm staying in NI with family this week, and I was wondering if there are any non-regular operations happening, for example involving the 111s in the North, or the retro liveries locos on IE. If anyone knows I would appreciate it, the only day I can't really do is saturday as I'm visiting the DCDR. Thank you.
  10. Found one now, thanks to Wrenneire. Thanks for the help to all that replied.
  11. I understand this is probably a very common request, but I recently found that these locos exist, and Ive been looking all over for one. I cant find either the individual loco or the American set for sale anywhere right now. I would really appreciate it if anyone can help or point me in the right direction, thanks. Ive attached an image from Hattons website which has sold them in the past, but has none for sale right now.
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