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Posts posted by leslie10646

  1. Congrats, lads, on spotting an opportunity and excellent value compared with others.

    I would encourage a rerun, as I don't want to empty my ferts to have some pallets to leave around the goods yard.

    I'm sure that the GN didn't see too many pallets - a look on the internet suggests they became more visible after WW2 - the US Army made a lot of use of them?

    A query to keep our JHB puzzling for a while!

    Delighted to see very positive reviews of the keg wagons in the mags.


    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  2. You have to smile (from Peco site) -

    "The September 2020 Issue of Railway Modeller is on sale now, packed full with all the latest News and Reviews from the railway modelling world.

    Highlights in this issue include;

    • Ashton Steel – A modern era micro marvel in 00, owned and operated by Bruce Duncan
    • Museum of Transport – Robin Brogden’s jam packed heritage scene, 29 years in the making
    • Kirley Junction – newcomer to the hobby, Kieran Lagan’s Irish-outline layout, and much more!

    In a Railway Modeller exclusive, Ben Ando of Revolution Trains gives an insight into the history of the former Southern Region Inspection Saloon, Caroline, in this first instalment of an exciting series following the development of Revolution Train's forthcoming model in 00.

    In this month project section, Giles Barnabe transforms a toy boat into a useful 00 waterside accessory, while Hugh Norwood creates a representation of the unusual Stronach-Dutton road-rail tractor in 4mm.

    Reviews in this month's issue include;

    • Hornby Stephenson’s Rocket Train Pack
    • Hornby GWR Slide Door MkIII’s
    • Irish Railway Models' Beer Wagons (pity they're sold out - a terrific wagon)

    Plus much more!"

    But, NEWCOMER?


    Don't make me laugh - my arm hurts enough already!

    Kieran tells me he had no idea his railway was in a starring role!


    My nurse has bought me a copy.

    Just three pages under title "Seeds of Change". Interesting to see the original layout and the new one. Too few close-ups to do Kieran's rolling stock skills to advantage. 

    The new layout includes another terrific station building from Dublin's favourite architect, who has changed profession to being a major Rolling Stock Supplier! His new work is featured in the Review section.

    Always good to see Irish content in the RM?


    • Like 6
  3. Compliments, DJ,

    I had no idea that with the abundance of riches IRM and St Patrick had produced that you could only replicate the non-passenger side of IE.

    Eoin won't like me saying this, but if back in the day Lima could produce a model of the standard South African Railways EMU, you would think that the Irish modelling market was worth a punt at a two car DART? Does nothing out of the Japanese market come close to the Japanese DARTS?

    Obviously an ICR is overdue!

    Now, back to 1950s .........

    • Like 2
  4. B125 was still in full grey livery in 1964 - I posted a Lance King photo somewhere on this site a little while ago. While looking up photos to answer the question, I noted in 1963 double-headed BnT 141s on The Enterprise, by that time the A Class had gone green. A colourful railway, was CIE in the sixties!

    • Like 3
  5. My nurse got me a copy yesterday and while David is right about the 2mm bias -

    it is in the form of a huge, well-illustrated, article on Copenhagen Fields, simply the most brilliant 2mm layout around.

    The Fields are the approaches to Kings Cross in LNER era, but GNR stuff as well, all modelled to a very high standard.

    However, it's not the stock, or hundred wagon goods trains which blow you away, it's the representation of the whole area, down to the last street, pub etc.

    You'll never see it in Ireland so if you like the LNER / English GNR it might be worth grabbing a copy of MRJ to see what you're missing - even saves an airfare!


    • Like 3
  6. 21 hours ago, Galteemore said:

    Especially with a few Provincial Wagons brown vans put through the enlarging ray ! 


    build the 00 kit,

    digitise it to CAD

    and 3D print it?

    Probably not thinking straight in this heat!

    • Funny 1
  7. Yes, Jon, I saw No.19 regularly at work in my early visits to York Road in 1961, but no mention of her after that - by 1962, 0-6-0 tender loco No.13 was acting as pilot engine.

    Comparing the picture on Hatton's website with a photo taken in 1962, they seem to have got the livery pretty well. A potential quick win for "O" Gauge folk?

    • Like 3
  8. 3 hours ago, StevieB said:

    I’m not quite sure where you mean to see Mick Rawlings handiwork. I saw Ballyconnell Road at Railwells the other year. To be honest, nothing else came close to it for me.


    Sorry to cause confusion - Mick does most of the rolling stock modelling for Ballyconnell Road and the easiest place to see his handiwork was the Thread I suggested.

    As you say, a remarkable piece of work.

  9. In case any of you missed seeing what Mick Rawlings produces on his kitchen table look at SDMRC's 2019 exhibition notes in What's On.

    See if you can tell 3mm Irish from 7mm Irish.

    Mick is a master craftsman.



  10. A heads up for the narrow gauge men and lovers of the BCDR.



    This is an original Fayle published 74 years ago, NOT the reprint done in the 1960s.

    Mac Arnold's writing is not everyone's cup of tea, but his book on the everyday Co. Down Railway was a good read and I learned a lot from it.



    originally published by GALTEEMORE'S Dad to raise funds for the RPSI.

    Quite few good Irish Railway books on eBay at present - including the Sligo Leitrim book by Neil Sprinks.


    • Like 3
  11. Murph, Old Boy, I'm in no position to comment on this, as my 21ft x 17ft is Peco's best Narrow Gauge!

    But, aspiring to 21mm is good.

    Why not a little on a modestly lengthed "practice board" to build up experience?

    At 74, I will have to leave it to those who are younger to acquire the skills and for me to enjoy looking at the result - like Andy's sublime layouts.

    I watched Galteemore's teenage son at a Scale Four track-building Master Class - the sooner you start picking up the techniques the better!

    Good luck.

    • Like 2
  12. 26 minutes ago, Noel said:

    Nice idea. As to a 21mm flexitrack product, a market size of 5-10 people may not attract a manufacturer. Any 21mm layout will be hand built track which seems half the attraction.

    Hi Murph

    While I completely agree with you that the full 21mm looks great -

    Out of 400 plus follk on my customer database, there are 10-12 folk doing 21mm - I know that because I supply my kits to them without wheels!

    Happy to do the same for you!

    That said, the Scale Four Society does a number of components to help.

    Leslie (Provincial Wagons)

    • Like 2


    Perhaps Jonathan can cast the first stone regarding DMUs -

    Alas, not I, for I fell into the clutches of that Deadly Sin over twenty years ago!

    Lambeg Man  of this Parish had shown me his superb AEC set in NIR-livery and such was my covetness (another Sin) that I got the address of the builder. By this time, I was working in Hong Kong after retirement and Mr Hughes, The Builder, finished my GNR-liveried set. That was followed by a four car BUT set and a dozen mahogany coaches for steam-haulage.

    My sins didn't end there - a CAF set from the estimable Seamus Graham, the Bachmann IR commuter set (a 65th birthday present from some kind IRRS pals) and recently I bought yet another AEC set from Chris Dyer and Mr Wrenn at Blackrock.

    Now well down the slippery slope with a silver A Class on order from The Boys and a grey B Class.

    Do I sin further and buy a RPSI preserved B Class?


    • Like 2
  14. Noel says - Not so long ago I was RTR man, now finding doodling with kits addictive and therapeutic.


    A loud Hooray, from all kit suppliers!

    Noel, thanks for your custom over the lockdown and the good use you've put the kits to. This one's terrific, too, like the others you've done.

    I think that the quote below refers?

    "I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in Heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent".

    Luke 15:7, in case you had forgotten - Galteemore can tell you what the previous verses were all about - subject of a stunning painting by Rembrandt (now in the Winter Palace in Leningrad. 

    • Like 2
  15. I'm sure some of you know that Leslie McAlister of Provincial Wagons has named his home Pettigo Fair. Leslie, wagons will be delivered in time for the Fair!


    Hi Glover,

    Well, the tears are flowing down my cheeks, seeing "my" wagons arriving "at home" -

    and not just because of the frustration of my broken arm.

    I may have told the story behind the House Name......

    When No.85 the GLOVER Compound was being trialled thirty years ago, I dragged my twelve year-old son, William, over to Belfast for the run to Dublin (we stayed in the North with Galteemore's Mum and Dad).

    Anyway, the IRRS Archive was open especially for the occasion and I took him up to The Holy of Holies where the bound sets of weekly notices are kept. We got down the 1946 volume, but nothing of interest was happening on the 10th June.

    I sent him to put the 1946 set back and to fetch the 1939 set, as his Mother was born on 20 July of that year. Against the day before was an instruction to send extra cattle wagons to Pettigo for the Fair. Now, we were just about to move into our new home and after that, there could only be one name! The other family connection was that my late father was a young constable at GARRISON on Lough Melvin and could have been at the Fair that day.

    Put your handkerchiefs away now!

    Lovely cattle special on a very fine railway - very well done. We must organise a photo-shoot with my steam locos - my AL or PP would look nice, or even the 00 Works U Class?



    • Like 6
  16. 9 hours ago, DiveController said:


    Thanks for the info Leslie.

    You gotta look down from the semaphore observations occasionally or this is what happens (Get Well Soon)



    Is that arm in an upper quadrant or a lower quadrant plaster? ..... somersaults, well you did those already 😁


    The arm is very much in the DANGER position - whether it's upper, lower or somersault!

    As we Ulstermen say "ya cuddn't  mak' it up".

    I certainly don't recommend it - but it is suitably humbling and reminds me of how blessed I am compared with others who have to deal which much worse handicaps

    • Like 4
  17. On 7/26/2020 at 1:39 PM, DiveController said:

    The SSM kit does three for only 20 euro but they're neither lit nor motorized I believe. Cosmetically they're a nice option. I think someone did a motorized one in OO I believe with 'bounce' and everything but I don't recall

    Hi Kevin - DAPOL do 00 signals, motorised and lit.

    I have half a dozen of their GWR lower quadrant ones sitting un-installed in a box. They now do brackets as well (NOT CHEAP).

    I bought a Ratio signal kit to butcher and use as a non-working platform starter for Richhill - nothing will happen for months, of course, as my left arm is in plaster after a fall.

    Des's signals looked decent to me when he was demo-ing them at a Cultra event - wrong railway for me, of course!

    I think this is my one thousandth post  - does my rating go up - or DOWN?


    Keep well everyone.


    • Like 4
  18. On 7/13/2020 at 9:47 PM, jhb171achill said:

    Sadly, though, they didn't stay that way long! I will have one pristine and one weathered - I hope!

    Mr B

    This one might have been cleaned up especially, but it looks pretty clean in 1964?


    Copyright IRRS, Lance King Collection

    • Like 4
  19. 42 minutes ago, RedRich said:

    Don't under sell your work it looks excellent. Scenic work is what ties it all together. The last shot is just right. There is a three dimensional look to it. I like it.


    I completely agree. A fine piece of work.

    • Like 2
  20. Great result, whichever was the grass length / applicator.

    I assume you use the applicator which looks like a tea strainer? It has done pretty well for me.

    Keep it up. I'm "resting" and video-ing diesels on freights - DON'T TELL THE STEAM MEN!

    • Like 1
    • WOW! 1
  21. I thought that this had been announced? But it appears a well-kept secret.

    I was toying with the idea of a second A Class and happened to look at "Accessories" on the IRM site - so,  like Robert, I ordered a couple of container packs to go on my keg wagons!



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