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Everything posted by mlee2808

  1. Athearn 5 car pack northern pacific Ho Gauge The pack was purchased over 25 years ago and has been in storage since it is being sold as new. Any questions please feel free to ask and look as pictures carefully as they are in perfect condition and the pictures are part of the description. price is €40 via paypal or cash including postage anywhere in Ireland.
  2. https://www.ebay.ie/itm/267101502564?_skw=Murphy+models&itmmeta=01JGMAZX0D10EZATM4P1K5VD0M&hash=item3e307d7c64:g:AdoAAOSwdCRnY07g&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKl8zE8F0jNy018OuxwpBuuSAzPjiEB2IeAgw00osiFOJWcbQnKLX%2FLsShIbir%2BsSSCOtjk5JOnyfRo1JBSf1U1qDqRg9AytvXs2XEMs34rj26wIYO6a1k1%2B%2FgxcnpR3XXQJJdpvemQLOPTcF10M8G7r%2Bnwjnr1typ6M6R4RKbehaPGe3cIbuhyn5YZKwl5R5l1zhkDxkB9Pq4pfJz2%2BbC4EJ6Cuo8qAcmuGZ6wYBQ4wh4CXXp7gAaDMWypyz47SsiL%2B%2FKk8TXSAa26i12btu3gQoZZfrjrX7Mdj67Gvf7GXMA%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR6bQ_4qFZQ
  3. Just in case anyone is interested in these. Based in Galway. https://www.ebay.ie/itm/266389566389?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=5282-175127-2357-0&ssspo=JLtZ4yBgQw-&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=JLtZ4yBgQw-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY https://www.ebay.ie/itm/266374675212?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=5282-175127-2357-0&ssspo=JLtZ4yBgQw-&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=JLtZ4yBgQw-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  4. Now sold
  5. I have a Murphy model CIE supertrain 088 for sale. Got as Christmas present but already have one. I haven't taken it out of the box €125
  6. Now sold
  7. Now sold. Thank all for the enquiries
  8. Some people have asked so I will add here that I do have the original cover for the 21 pin board so I can sell without the sound chip for 150
  9. I am selling my class 201 no 201 river Shannon mm0201 has been run in only. 30 mins medium speed each direction. model also has momentum programmed to give more realistic running characteristics. Detail pack has been added and one end has air hoses fitted. fantastic model and unfortunately have to sell. €275 ono I will cover the postage in Ireland
  10. hi, unfortunately, i have to sell my ecos. Due to on going health problems it will only go to waste. it has been tested only. it is the version with the colour screen and with too much technology to list. it is in its original box with a 3 pin power supply. payment by paypal and i can post or if you want arrange to pick up in galway. 600 euro ono. i have been trying to upload a few pictures but i can't for some reason
  11. If I could a complete set would be the top of my list....Stunning
  12. First post so bear with me if things are not correct. I came across this on youtube and I'm sure it will be helpful to those who are into sound especially on the smaller locomotives like the 141's Zimo LS10X15 Tiny- Speaker
  13. Couldn't agree more. Stunning model
  14. At a look at her this evening. Stunning model and the quality of work is exceptional.
  15. Sold.
  16. Its was a Q kit white metal kit. Its was built on top of a Roco chassis of what exact model I am not certain. The reason why I used the roco chassis was for all wheel drive and smooth running. As it is a white metal kit built on top of large metal block it is very heavy. ITs a dc only model and I haven't ran the model in years but the last time I did it ran as good as any expensive model due to it weight.
  17. I would be looking from something around the €125 mark. I would have no problem if someone wanted to view the model before purchase but I live in Galway so I understand that could be difficult.
  18. It's a white metal kit that was built on top of a Roco chassis to get all wheel drive. I was going to post it on ebay but I would much rather someone from here got it. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask
  19. Inspirational as always
  20. outstanding the quality of your work.
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