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Jaz avalley

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Everything posted by Jaz avalley

  1. Paints in pictures usually represent colours used As bought to layout
  2. Donor vehicle , not the best lookalike, but enough as a pass, reference picture on computer screen, re colour, Bessie not the Dalek!
  3. Excellent upgrade
  4. Reference and weathering upgrade
  5. white metal first paint job no reference picture second paint job with reference picture, weathering is subtle to say the least
  6. I was looking for something and came across my version of the Italian Job hope it anuses
  7. Near the sidings are some hidden murals, these refer to the avatars on other modellers accounts
  8. In addition to Goathland a real station I also model other areas, here is a Siding near Kalborough Station.
  9. ..and worse sone times the fencing changes colour,at one stage magenta,another black, and as for the road surface,the blocks are a fairly recent addition in the car park area I went for the fresh laid stone
  10. here the magenta paint is in different stages, some pictures I chose not to use for this very reason, and even at Goathland station on a given day buildings near each other are in a different state,where one has had a recent repaint and another not
  11. There is a number of options for colour choices of the brick work,but photos can be influenced by time of day,time of year, weather on a given day,wether or not an maintenance work has resulted in a cleaning of the brick work,nearby paint work, rain has an impact that is often overlooked. Here over a period of time the roof paint on the camping coaches has changed a lot
  12. And research photos are had to place often not being labelled either correctly or at all. The station I am doing is viewed 1960s and almost modern day, it is a preservation station, which has had goods imported from other stations, occasionally stock not meant for one’s area may have visited which can skew identifying things, sometimes where buildings were of a type you can easily mistake one geographical place for another, so I for one totally appreciate the research aspects. we do the best we can on a given day, technically in my own two eras only one lot of track work can be correct. plus my layout is static, I do not even have all your extras, careful storage and transportation,potential thefts of details, and potential damage,and keeping the trackwork in a working state, so many more issues and potential fails to a travelling layout. one of the details I like on yours is the black sooty look from the chimney smoke, little details like this can often not be recognised as a response to your research, but are part and parcel of the correct look.
  13. Fair points, I accept that many do not like poor figures,and your point over the cobbles makes sense. Thank you for the feedback.I lived Lancashire 1980s but accept that your time period is a totally different life style. So only my other point stands, love the layout
  14. I can buy most of the buildings, photographs over the years show the stonework different colours,and some different paint work,here I am interested in the ‘bricked up’ windows which need a bit of weathering, DCC concepts powders does the job in minutes i.m seriously contemplating a paint of the stone work too
  15. Excellent colouring,the street could do with a woman cleaning the steps,a couple of kids and some old glass milk bottles (plastercine make a small mould press them to size),maybe a chalk 12345789 hopscotch,the buildings are beautiful the cobbles are a bit clean,but the terrace houses are just beautiful. Love it.
  16. I like the wipers,will you colour them
  17. I swirled mud in water and brushed it on as a trial rust on wheel is paint
  18. a bit plasticky started with the dirty look mucky getting there upgrade not obvious maybe I should say downgrade, flat tyre tut tut, a warm knife not a good one melts the tyre,pay attention though.
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