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JohnMcGahern last won the day on January 16 2022

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  1. Great shots and love the lighting!
  2. Agreed. This is in the basement (Canada) and the windows are at ground level so the sun is quite direct and on the horizon.
  3. Hi Christian, It's been a while since I purchased any wheels from this guy who I believe is in England but gets these wheels that are manufactured in Australia. http://branchlines.blogspot.com/2006/07/black-beetle-nickel-silver-wheels.html I can't seem to find any contact information on this link but these are the wheels I've used with all my locos. I had used Ultrascale once, but they don't come in an all metal back so it is a pain to try and get the pick ups to make constant connectivity. With the all metal backs it's easy. You need the fully insulated ones which I believe are a special order. The down side to them is the hub area I find is not manufactured as well as the Ultrascale ones and as a result are not as easy to get squared to the axel. Ultrascale ones are better made and have a larger (deeper) hub and are so much easier to square. If they came in an all metal back I would go for them all he time as a wobbly wheel )although functional) is annoying as hell!
  4. No problem, thanks for the reply!
  5. Love the tall grass on some of these photos. How did you do it? Is it static grass?
  6. When I initially started the layout about 7 years ago (hadn't touched it for the past 4 years) I hadn't even heard of the under track magnets otherwise for sure I would have gone that route. Although, there would have to be considerable planning made ahead of time for cutting out the baseboard (unless someone here has another way - I'm all ears) I know what you mean though, they are an eyesore but those magnets are only temporary and held in place with believe it or not, blue tack! To be honest I'll probably never stick them down permanently in case I ever want or need to work on that area of track and it actually works well as you can easily adjust them to the right height. I've even tried the small neodymium magnets between the sleepers but never had any luck.
  7. Thanks popeye! I know, neither of them have moved a muscle all f***in' day! Ha! Thanks Patrick!
  8. 353741869_088Shunting2.mp4
  9. Thanks for the compliments guys! It's amazing how a camera can create the illusion of expanse since the whole thing is only 6' x 2.5'
  10. I've had great success with all of them. I always try to go with the smallest I kind before getting buffer lock on smaller radius turns.
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