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GSWR 90 last won the day on August 16 2024

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About GSWR 90

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    DCDR volunteer, GSWR 90 simp, G class stan. Average BCDR enjoyer.

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  1. Thanks for that photo. It gained commonwealth bogies and double doors in its saloon when it was converted to an ambulance coach, AM12, for the Knock pilgrimage train in 1959. https://www.downrail.co.uk/rollingstock/gswr1097/
  2. I am very interested in the second coach behind the loco – it has a toilet, two first compartments, two second compartments, another toilet, and a third class saloon. I think that that arrangement is unique to GSWR 1097 which is preserved at Downpatrick
  3. Or they could be made OO scale if you combine them with the 5’3” converter wagons
  4. This GSWR postcard will look even more impressive with 90 and an 800! But seriously, discussing other locos doesn't detract from the fact that we're extremely lucky that everyone at IRM went to so much effort to make such an amazing model Any RTR model of an 800, let alone one of such incredible detail, would have been unimaginable just a relatively short time ago
  5. 17 types of broad gauge Irish steam locos preserved – one down, 16 to go...
  6. The video and the prototypes both look amazing. These will definitely fly off the shelves
  7. You need to be a member of the IRRS to see photos on their Flickr. A good reason for joining and funding their stellar work
  8. GSWR 90

    Blue GMs

    And from the horse’s mouth, NIR’s response to a freedom of information request: “The Class 110 locomotives are no longer used as passenger trains by Translink or available for third party passenger charters. They are used for shunting within a Yard, hauling Flatbed Wagons and Ballast Hoppers around the NIR network and other non-passenger operations.” https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/questions_about_8111_class_locom
  9. Mother nature has once again not been kind to Downpatrick – there are several trees down on the line, part of the roof has peeled off on carriage 3223, and a derelict brown van has had its roof totally torn off.
  10. Anyone have name for 146 or A39?
  11. Very sorry to hear about the passing of Chris Dyer, as per the Ulster Model Railway Club Facebook page. I’m sure many of us have spent many happy hours chatting with Chris at model shows or browsing through his always-excellent selection of rolling stock for sale.
  12. No evidence of No 90 carrying plates in this photo of it in its original condition
  13. Also worth mentioning that it wasn't always No 90, when it was owned by the Castleisland & Gortatlea Railway 1875-1879 it was known as C These sorts of things are always better being enjoyed by the public in a museum (or attached to the actual loco) rather than gathering dust in somebody's attic!
  14. The dark green currently on 90 is a close match to T&R Williamson's RAL 6007 (roughly RGB 44, 50, 36). Not sure about the red or the light green on the lining. The dark green (and the rest of the livery) is based on this contemporary model of a GSWR loco which is at the Science Museum Institute of Mechanical Engineers in London. As above the plates on 90 were designed and made by IÉ out of brass GM keys. They were donated to DCDR during the 2009 Inchicore open day and were fitted to the loco about 2013 I think. The originals were probably stolen/lost while it was at Mallow in the 1980s, although IMO both of them are very much part of the loco's history. Interestingly, IÉ made at least two other plates to the new design – another number 90 and a number 60 (easy to make as it's just 90 with the 9 upside down), which are both in the Wheeltapper Bar at Fitzpatrick's Hotel in New York.
  15. DCDR stated on its social media that it would post updates regarding the vandalism when relevant, which hasn't happened yet. Based on the helpful link that you posted, most of the potential outcomes would require the perpetrators to contact DCDR, so I assume that no formal decision has been made by the PSNI/Youth Diversion Officer/whoever makes that decision.
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