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  1. Thank you all for the help. However I based my own shed off of the goods shed in Laffansbridge. It came together very well with its functioning doors on rails.
  2. Very nice
  3. Thank you very much
  4. I am in the middle of constructing a small goods yard, not too dissimilar to Westport Quay. I plan on constructing a carriage shed and small goods store. I plan to make a slate roofed carriage shed but cannot find any good examples to base it off. I am also having a small bit of difficulty finding a good picture of the track side of a small goods shed to base my one off. Could anybody be of possible assistance?
  5. I've had a bit more progress since with the layout. I've got the locos and rolling stock looking somewhat great northern too.
  6. I have most of the signals now in position on the layout
  7. I was after paying a recent visit to the transport museum and found a GNR ground signal, much to my delight.
  8. After a bit of searching I couldn't seem to find any indication of what GNR ground signals look like. Are they much the same as the ground signals in the rest of the country? Thanks
  9. I think I might as well include the ground signals David, it'd make the layout a little bit more interesting. Here's where I'm at so far
  10. Thank you David. I couldn't have asked for a better explanation. This has been very helpful. I'll keep you posted with the progress. Thanks again
  11. Something with separate posts would definitely be more suited to me, i don't have access to any laser cutters or 3D printers so these will be handmade as I'm on a budget They will probably be hand operated, in the future i might try to get them remotely controlled, but Ill have to see what I can do. Thanks for the help, but could you send us a drawing or something like that to get a better understanding of it please Thanks again
  12. Here's the layout of the station. Ill be delighted with any help I can get. Thanks
  13. I am looking for help with how to signal my layout with semaphores
  14. Would anybody have any scale plans of any station buildings, signal cabins, goods sheds etc.. That they would be willing to share? I am looking for preferably GNR plans, or either any MGWR building plans. I've taken an interest in the old MGWR station in Athlone and would be absolutely delighted if anyone could share some pictures or track plans Thanks
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