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  1. It is a sizeable model alright, built like that it’s 2 foot wide (but can be made smaller) 1 foot high and 1 foot deep. I have an old Lima one I resprayed but doesn’t have the same wow factor as the faller, nor did it have the price tag to be fair, this can be a static model €3-350 or put working for an extra €300. Good to have dreams in life lol. pic of smaller build and my own Lima model
  2. Hi everyone, long time away from model railways but would like to put a bit of a layout going again, always liked the idea of a container terminal and saw this while looking around lately. https://www.faller.de/gb/en/Products/Track-gauges/H0-selection/Trade-business-industry/Industry/Container-bridge-crane-sid4566.html opinions and offers to make it appreciated
  3. Will give you price of postage if you're chucking them
  4. 11x5 is a good size to work with, guessing you can walk around it, would you think about putting up a backscene up through the middle? Maybe do a country theme at one side and a city theme at the other. Think gradients could be troublesome on a layout this size and original plan is trying to pack too much in, I was told on here think model railroad and not model train set
  5. Finally got back to doing a bit on the layout, hoping to make good progress on this side over the next few weeks but for now....
  6. Done a few more earlier
  7. They are ho, just looked up the real excavator spec, 12 feet to top of cab (41mm in ho) and that's what it measured so guessing just a big machine,
  8. Received last week, happy with quality
  9. Mostly Herpa, ho scale,
  10. Haven't done much in a while but started experimenting on the lorries I picked up, here is the first try
  11. Picked up these after seeing them on a newsletter http://m.ebay.ie/itm/261861445952?nav=SEARCH http://m.ebay.ie/itm/141645007217?nav=SEARCH Seems good value
  12. The respray helped improve the crane alright. Was very toy like, Must get some decals to finish it off, I was very pleased how the scalescenes textures came out, bit tricky to have no air pockets and keeping the sides from lifting but worth the effort. Thanks for the encouragement though, lots more to do!!!
  13. Got a few bits done to the container yard area Used scalescenes prints for the ground Resprayed an old Lima container crane
  14. Put together a small fleet of container lorries to service the container yard
  15. Just wondering if a similar event will be run this year???
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