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Posts posted by josefstadt

  1. They are small card 'inserts' that come with the Cobalt Motors.


    After you drill the hole for the motor armature to poke through, you are left with a big, 6mm hole - not good for ballasting! You slip the card insert under the point, and you get a neat little slot for the motor arm, and can then ballast safely without dropping ballast into the motor or under the board.


    They'll need a good whack of an airbrush too - you'd think they could have printed them with ballast (or even printed them grey :) )


    Thanks for the explanation Stephen.

  2. The photo of the Davy Crocket brings back mixed memories. I was about to buy one in a shop on St Stephens Green close to the top of Grafton St (forget the name). The sales assistant took the loco out of the box to let me have a look at it, but when she was putting it back she just dropped it into the box which she was holding vertically. Of course it passed straight through the box, opening the flap at the lower end and crashing to the floor! Naturally the front end of the loco, cow catcher, smokestack etc were in bits. I ended up buying a 2-car railcar instead and this ended up painted in CIÉ black & tan livery.

  3. I have to agree with you there Richie plus its the most hateful drab livery on the network


    Which of the liveries Anthony - the dark green one used on the northern based MkII set, or the awful wishy washy blue being applied to the Cravens set based in Dublin?


    Also, I note that the caption to the picture in the above link states that the AC has been removed by RPSI. I presume that it has been replaced by some other form of ventilation as, without opening windows, it would get somewhat hot and stuffy inside the coach.

  4. Just another question, does anyone have any photos of the 101 Sulzers in the Green Livery? I was thinking Revell 360 Fern Green might be a good match. Any suggestions?


    Shouldn't mention 'Fern' and locomotives in the same sentence. He doesn't like them!:SORRY:

  5. Broithe, I don't think that a journey planner that was produced by a body with the resources, financial, personnel and data, of the NTA which excludes the rail option for a journey from Dublin to Cork can be fairly be described as having 'teething problems'. If the journey planner had been produced by an individual or a small private company, without the access to the various transport companies that the NTA have, then I would entirely agree with you.


    I have, by the way, already voice my views to the NTA using their feedback form. Let's see what they have to say.

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