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Everything posted by Ral2011

  1. What kind of filler do you use?
  2. Great and very inspiring!
  3. Very interesting clip, because one can see here, that the brake generator 913 (I hope the number is right) has other windows than the other four. Thank you for showing.
  4. Very interesting request at RMWEB: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/70393-nir-coaches/ I would like to add the question about the First and Second brake generator vans- does they all look the same (except from the yellow stripe) ore are there differences in particular the grills. At one picture of 912 there are also grills at the opposite side, at another picture it looks like one carriage has "Aircon style" windows.
  5. The pocket wagons with the containers look great. Thank you for answering about the NIR Generator Vans. It is really sad that MIR aren't producing any longer. The kits on ebay are far too expensive. I asked, because I saw a picture of 912 with the grills at the other side too. I will ask also at the "Enterprise" tread. http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/1186-For-ME-this-was-the-Enterprise
  6. Great work. At the beginning of this tread I saw some pictures of the NIR brake generator vans. How do you build them, where can I get drawings? Does all five generator vans look the same ore are there differences?
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