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Everything posted by Ral2011

  1. Ral2011


  2. Thank you very much. Ermine models isn't active anymore, I hope Studio Scale Models will do these one day.
  3. Great Work. Where did you get the brass overlays?
  4. I would also take one.
  5. Thank you very much for the pictures of the 6 wheelers. As it seems they are all from one side, do you have pictures from the other side or does it look the same?
  6. I totally agree, this book is absolute phantastic, it completely in colour, it has the pictures I was looking for, it is worth it's money. This one is a 'must have' in the canon of irish railway books.
  7. Are you goint to buy one? I think they are sold out.
  8. Great Work! The finish of 913 also looks superb. Is it an MIR-Kit or did you converted it completely from scratch?
  9. Thank you very much for the photos of this coach. I was desperately looking for a picture of both sides.
  10. I would prepay. My favourites are The A und C Class, as well as the 121, the NCC Jeep, IE/IR Mk3, NIR Mk2 incl. brake generator.
  11. You have to be patient, mine arrived after six month.
  12. Thank you very much I will try it.
  13. I totally agree it looks absolutely suberb!
  14. Great to hear there will be the composite and the super standard.
  15. Very impressing pictures. Sorry a little bit off topic, but does anyone know what kind of vehicle this is: http://paulbigland.zenfolio.com/p942598532/h212ef682#h212ef682 A friend of mine took pictures of it in Pearse Station in 2000:
  16. The Picture wasn't visible for some strange reason.
  17. Great work, especially the idea withe the glazing, so the egde and the white stripe are clean and crisp.
  18. Thank you very much for the photos Glenderg, because especially photos of the IE Mk2 a/b/c are very rare, I'm still searching for one of the restaurant coaches (4401, 4402) form both sides. [ATTACH=CONFIG]13255[/ATTACH] The first coach is a Lima Mk2b FK, which can be convertet to a IE or to an NIR coach, the second is an resprayed Lima Mk2b SO, six of them were owned by the NIR and one is now in ownership of the RPSI, the next one is a IE Mk2d composite. It was convertet from an Airfix Mk2d FO an an Hornby Mk2d BSO, the problem is to get the right length so it fits right back on the chassis- you will mention the crack. The toilet vents are also on the wrong site just as the INTERCITY -Logo ( I also saw photos where the logo is on the door, are the two types?). The last is the same as your coach and will be resprayed into a IE Mk2a, when I have the correct dutch generator van. Does anybody know where I can get etched windows for the Mk2 a/b/c coaches? I need them for modelling NIR 547.
  19. You are right a RTR of the WT wouldn't sell very good, but what about a conversion kit from SSM to convert for example a Hornby Folwer into a WT class? A RTR A-Class from Murphy would be absolutely great.
  20. Your Class 80 is absolutely great and very inspiring. What kind of primer do you use? A primer only or a primer/filler. I aks because my primer does drops and has to sanded, yours look absolutely flawless.
  21. And now accepting paypal, a huge improvement.
  22. Thank you very much for your tip, this filler is much better than the one I used before.
  23. Of course the book is valuable for steam era modellers. A book about the last 50 years would be great and I would buy it. Drawings of each vehicle were also great, like in this publication: http://www.amazon.de/Deutsches-Wagen-Archiv-Reisezugwagen-Reisezugwageneinsteller-Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft/dp/3344707833/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1381225207&sr=1-2&keywords=Reisezugwagen+Archiv
  24. I also bought this book, but for me it was a huge disappointment. There were two pictures of the Laminates and one of the Park Royal Coaches. There are only five pages about the entire mk2 mk3 de Dietrich and NIR mk2 coaches with five pictures. There is also no drawing in this Book. "Locomotives& Rolling Stock of Irish Rail and Northern Ireland Railways" Third Edition is considerably better, every Coach has a picture and the whole Book has more structure. But this is only my opinion.
  25. Did my PM reached you? I am interested in one heating van.
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