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Everything posted by moogle

  1. When I got into N gauge I ran pretty much anything. BR blue diesels with SR coaches and GWR wagons. Did I care? No. I was only 12 though! Your tastes change over time. I'm now modelling CIE 1950's steam, an Edwardian Tramway and at the club I belong to BR late steam/early diesel. So nothing I grew up with or can remember!
  2. Spot on! One point to you sir!
  3. Which railway company had, at one point, three times as many ships as they had steam engines?
  4. Ah! Right, I know what you mean now. (I think! )
  5. Still nothing more done to Kilnevan, but I have made one decision. It needs a petrol station behind the fuel depot! "][/url] There's just enough space for a pair of pumps and maybe a small office I reckon. Office will probably be at the end of the fence by the wagon in the above photo. "][/url] Pumps will probably be against the fence on the left here in a sort of lay by! It won't be huge I grant you, but I think its one thing that is missing that I've overlooked. As to when it gets done though is anybody's guess!
  6. Could you clarify which post you are referring to? The OP? Mine? If the latter, which part?
  7. Don't know if this has been posted before, apologies if so. Some good info on this website: http://www.skylineaviation.co.uk/buses/Introduction.html Thought as it railway linked it might be of interest to railway modellers on here as well as the bus modellers. Mods: feel free to move if in wrong section.
  8. Ignore it I say! RMweb has a lot of people on it like that from what I can gather so he'll feel right at home. That's not to say it doesn't have normal, nice people on it as it does. Not that I'm a member!
  9. You'll get loads of fun from the Inglenook style classic layout. I've built a few myself over the years in different scales and gauges. Never gets boring! You seem to be making good progress so far. No such thing as a silly question. After all, todays experts were beginners once and I bet they asked a few!
  10. Wind-up thingy? Far too technical a description that!
  11. Welcome! Don't be afraid to ask questions, no matter how daft someone on here can usually answer them. Glad you've like what you found so far, I know I have!
  12. Well, since my last entry here I've done nothing to the items featured! I have re-measured something else I've been working on: a Bandon Tank. I've realised the body is too tall so will look at lowering it somehow on the chassis. It's actually the 1st N gauge loco I'm building in brass. So new experiences are being had, like burnt fingers! Some of the pics aren't brill I admit but I think they show what I've done so far. The chassis used is an adapted Graham Farish (Poole built) 'Flying Scotsman' chassis. I had to stretch the dimensions a little to fit the chassis so the rivet counters will hate it but to them! I decided to go with *using/adapting/cannibalising what I had already due to budget restrictions. (Skint in other words!) * delete as appropriate. There's lots to be done yet and it will no doubt need a bit of filler here and there to finish but I'll get there in the end. After all, no 1950's Cork based layout is complete without one of these!
  13. Wrenneire's shed? Actually I've no idea where but I'd say signal box/cabin as the two tall items on the left look like token machines. I'm probably completely wrong though!
  14. :ROFL: I'm infamous at last! O.K, I'll get me coat...
  15. Thanks Mayner! I have looked in my issues of NIL but found none. Theres some drawings I found in NIL vol 1, issue 2 online by J.A Kelly. Not massive on the details but combined with your info I think I'll be able to make a decent enough model. Good enough for me anyway! I think a 20' wb might be what one of the old Graham Farish 4w chassis is. I'll have to go and have a measure...
  16. Hi guys, I'm looking for details/plans for one of Bullied's 4 wheeled 'Tin Vans'. Although I'd be making it in N gauge, the info can be in any scale as I know some of that maths stuff... Will be a while til I make it so no rush, just thought I'd ask now while I think about it! Have done a search but found nowt, unless I'm looking in the wrong places...
  17. Don't usually buy magazines but I might have to keep an eye out for this one! Thanks for the heads up.
  18. Not an A35, boot on them is more rounded and different rear lights. Imp? No. Rear window on them slopes more and is square! Lights different again. I'm no expert I just like classic cars...
  19. Though I'd post these videos I did about painting a backscene as someone may find them useful! There's 6 parts in total, they're on Youtube and I presume you can download them if you know how. (I don't!) Enjoy... Painting Trees and other details. [video=youtube;Z8EYoH-GdUg] Beach and rocks. And the sea.
  20. Though I'd post these videos I did about painting a backscene as someone may find them useful! There's 6 parts in total, they're on Youtube and I presume you can download them if you know how. (I don't!) Enjoy... Painting sky and clouds. Painting hills. [video=youtube;O6_6mj1-18I] Roadway.
  21. Buffer to buffer: 67 mm! Yes, its small.
  22. Looks more like a Ford Anglia 100E to me. http://www.flickr.com/photos/34107011@N08/4588718824/sizes/o/in/set-72157624015981232/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/34107011@N08/4588097337/sizes/o/in/set-72157624015981232/
  23. Didn't give the buffers a thought! Will need to address that for sure. Thanks! Been working on a 6 wheeler I started about 18 months ago! Its a Worsley Works scratch aid and is actually 2mm scale. You take what you can get in this scale though! I'm not a rivet counter as you may have guessed... It is an ex GSWR coach and was built around the remains of an old Graham Farish 4 wheel coach body and uses 1 and a half chassis from the same coaches. I had a good few battered ones acquired over the years, broken sides, broken chassis etc. So I didn't use a perfect example as the few of those I have I keep for my English N gauge. Besides, have you seen the silly prices they go for on Ebay?! A bit of 'liquid lead' adds some much needed weight. Can't buy it now I believe due those Elf and Safety people! Still got work to do. Gaps in the chassis to fill, new couplings etc. It is a little battered looking already but then weren't they all by the late 50's! Will be in a shade of green of course...
  24. moogle

    The future?

    Although its the wrong scale/gauge for me, I have to agree its a backwards step. Perhaps the sales will reflect this and make them rethink it?
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