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Everything posted by A4mallard

  1. A little more work
  3. it,s 2 10 2 santa fe
  4. I can tell you what it is, it's cardboard.....I'm just taking a bit of time off from Kingsbridge
  5. nice job
  6. Hi Dave,I wish it was G scale.......but it's OO
  7. Here's a few more pictures, that's it for a while. Thank you for all of your very very kind comments. regards Bren
  8. I'm in the first photo for scale, I didn't realise i'm going bald!!!! The last photo is for Westy. Bren
  9. Thanks for your really really lovely comments. Leslie10646 I am going to finish it including the train shed and the buildings on the platform 1 side. It's going to take a bit of time, I plan to finish the main station building for the moment and I have a large scale Millennium Falcon I'm in the drawing up stages at the moment. I need to step back from it for a bit, I'm nearly sure i'm at it since April, I've taken the front off already and replaced it, the paint i used bubbled the cardboard, after a week of trying to sort it out i decided to take the front off and redo it. I would love to build it as a layout but i haven't got the room plus i already have a large layout. Check this guy out for a proper masterpiece http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/28293-manchester-central-clc-gn-warehouses-castlefield-viaducts/ Thank you Bren
  10. Thanks Lads, BosKonay it could be the centerpiece of someones layout but it won't be mine. I have no Irish stock. I've just always wanted to have a go at building it. Regards Bren
  11. Thanks for the comments, I'll leave it a couple a weeks before the next few photos,just looking back i dont't feel like enough has changed between the photos. I need to figure out how to do the balustrades, I was thinking of using beads or maybe small screws glued end to end. I don't want to get in to moulding them......any ideas lads? As always your comments are very much appreciated bren
  12. Thanks Mike for the very nice comment, it's taken nearly two weeks to build those towers and there still not finished. regards bren
  13. Well I plugged the transformer into the wall.....
  14. Unfortunately I had to retire early,so my time is my own. I use the modelling to occupy me. The plan is to finish the station buildings and platforms, the steel work for the roof but no roof, at that stage I will have run out of room. It may look like i'm flying through it but i'm not,there's a lot to be done.This is a work in progress.I am very grateful for all your comments. Regards Bren
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