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Everything posted by A4mallard

  1. hi hobby build would you post a few pictures
  2. Hi, Have you contacted Dublin Bus about the codes? If your not that fussy Halfords regularly do deals on the spray paints, the mad colours that don't sell sometimes at €2. I suggest you start with a primer, before you go filling, it will show up the imperfections and it will seal the wood and stop the paint sinking. Halfords sell a primer it's grand however check out Dealz, they do an excellent primer and also have other colours as well, take a look. regards Bren
  3. it,s nice to see you are alive dave
  4. leslie 10646 this is my wooden light sabre
  5. [ mf cockpit ATTACH=CONFIG]25728[/ATTACH]
  6. GSR 800 I used to like Penny........ Noel I didn't know there was so many Jedi out there
  7. uss enterprise.....Wash your mouth out with soapy water
  8. very nice
  9. this is the best model i have seen of a battle ship
  10. fishing line for rigging on modern battle ships
  11. Hi GSR 800, Nice work on the Dreadnough. The aircraft carrier is a 1/350 Tamiya Enterprize. The Prinz Eugen, I'm still building the dry dock....... Regards Bren
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