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Posts posted by hurricanemk1c

  1. The only reason 8209 wasn't finished was that the design wasn't finalised - something to do with the shade of colours to be used. As it was it was sitting in the paintshop for a week because of the shape of the yellow end. The loco was ready, design not. Simple as that.


    Note that the coach was released about 2 months after 8209 (a month in service)


    The next loco (206) is in the full livery but not yet released (even to passing trains). Watch this space - should be out this month or next month

  2. There are derogations in place regarding the colour of the doors. Something along the lines of if it isn't in normal revenue service or only used for a charter service. Hence why charter stock doesn't have to have it. The NYMR in the UK operates maroon Mark 1's onto the National Network to Whitby but don't have the contrasting doors.


    Anyway, I've heard a reason why the yellow on 8209 is in that shape - the painters got fustrated with the designers and just painted it. The new 29000 livery has taken a bit of getting used to but will look good when kept clean. Still prefer the original colours for them though

  3. If you include variations, 215 with the new logos.


    I think I can add though - Revised Original Enterprise (as carried by 207 and 233 - full yellow end)


    Photos of the aboce liveries if you can't visualise them:


    1. Original orange / black / yellow (https://www.flickr.com/photos/hurricanemk1c/9566138552/in/set-72157650122569965)

    2. Later version with larger yellow patch ( 203 at Portlaoise, 11/4/08)

    3. Original "Enterprise" ( 206 approaches Connolly, 17/5/14)

    4. NIR variation on above (Not quite sure about this one)

    5. Second (current) "Enterprise" ()

    6. New "Enterprise" silver and black ( 8209 departs Connolly, 13/12/14)

    7. Green and grey "Intercity" ( 220 at Hazelhatch, 15/1/15)

    8. NIR all-blue ( NIR GM 201 class 208 Drogheda April 1997) (not my photo)

    9. Revised Original Enterprise ( 233 at Connolly, 7/11/14)


    071's have had:


    Supertrain with white stripe

    Freight Silver/Black

    Slate Grey


    I hope the livery isn't all over maroon - just looks too drab

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