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Everything posted by Rialto

  1. Davy, did you get a chance to run the double motor engine and tender?
  2. Rialto

    Rialto's Bench

    Thanks for the comments and advice, all helpful. I'm still learning. This site really is a treasure trove of information. The only brake van I've seen with any sort of a platform, had a platform on one end, I think it was from the Sligo line. Did any other Irish brake vans have external platforms?
  3. I really like the E Class, will be keeping an eye on this, looks great so far. Best of luck.
  4. Rialto

    Rialto's Bench

  5. Rialto

    Rialto's Bench

    Here's a few cottages I've been working on. They are based on the rows of cottages that can be seen in the back streets of any of Ireland's cities. I drew them on AutoCAD and then simply shrunk them on the PC to 1:76 and then printed the drawings. they are a simple construction, using a wood frame with Wills material used for the roof doors and windows. I would really like to improve the road surface, if you have any ideas, please let me know. Many Thanks.
  6. Rialto

    Rialto's Bench

    The photo's below show a rake of Dapol ventilated vans I put together over the Christmas. I've just been looking at a view threads on here and I know now these need a lot more work. Also the break-van is nothing like anything that ever ran on Irish soil. I intend on chopping it to suit.
  7. Hi Guys, I hope you get that colour pic posted on here Achill, I'd be very interested to see it. Davy, your models are looking good, I'm enjoying following this thread.
  8. David, If you would drawings done up on CAD let me know. You would be able to measure directly off the printed drawing. Any errors or anomalies could be picked up[ on the drawings first. Send me a link to the drawing you are working off, and I'll whip up one. Even if you don't use it, it might be still a worthwhile exercise for others.
  9. Hi Nelson, I really like your rolling stock, great job on the wagon. The project I like most must be the break van, fantastic job on that. keep up the good work and the great ideas.
  10. Looks Great Davy, the primer really does show up any blemishes, but you don't seem to have any
  11. This looks like a really good project. It would appear that the drawing is not drawn entirely to scale, and that only given dimensions should be used. A note given on a lot of drawings is 'Use Given Dimensions Only' in the day before CAD, this gave the Draftsman some licence in accuracy. For a set of cottages I recently made, I drew the cottages in full 1:1 scale on AutoCAD, and then reduced the size of the drawing to 1:76 before printing. Best of luck with the build. I look forward to seeing this develop.
  12. Davy, What thickness Plastic Card do you work with?
  13. That is a major piece of surgery you are doing on this one. It looks like you are over the majority of the sanding and its really taking shape. It looks great.
  14. Rialto

    Rialto's Bench

    And a few more: To become a J19 This is a little gem of an engine, I'm not sure what to do with it yet, if anyone has any ideas let me know, otherwise it's going up for sale.. same for this one: I'll do the Diesel's tomorrow. Must go and ring in the New Year, Have a good One
  15. Rialto

    Rialto's Bench

    I don't really want to waste the Class 25 Diesel so I think I'll crack on with it for the C Class, but my next one will be a HO Donner. Ok, I'm suffering from a lack of raw materials, mostly paint and decals. I have done a inventory check on what I have accumulated with a view to chopping into Irish, with a view to getting the materials needed to complete them. For now, here are the engines: To become 800's To become Class 400 or 500
  16. That body filler is going to come up a treat. I really like the way you use it. It hadn't crossed my mind before now. You must have had motorbikes or cars at some point. I have used it a lot to work on early 80's bikes. keep the photo's coming Davy.
  17. Hi Davy, I'm lovin' the 400's and the 387 is a little gem. The 800's are looking great too. What decals did you use for the black/white lining? I have searched Railtec and SSM to no avail. My C Class Diesel is waiting on paint, which I don't have. But I have a bag of ebay steam engines I must start surgery on this afternoon. I hope to get the plans at least on the Workbench sections later today. One more question what matt varnish are you using?
  18. Rialto

    Rialto's Bench

    Thanks, Killucan, I intend on making a few of these and a few A Class too. I'll be at the Stillorgan fair in Feb with a Vernier. Another problem I have to think about is how to secure the body to the chassis, I don't want to glue them to allow me to work on it, fitting lights or DCC in the future. Any Ideas welcome.
  19. HI, The trucks, fert, and bubbles have to me my favorites. Thanks for the bubble Idea, I have been thinking of making a rake of these, but the hinge kinder egg was a stumbling point. Using the ends with a piece of pipe is an idea I'll borrow. Thanks.
  20. Hi, I have started a C Class. I am using a Silver Fox body kit and a Lima Class 25.. It is second hand with a bit of damage to the roof. Bit it is a very good runner. Having cut the buffer ends of the chassis I then cut the center section out to shorten it. I have left the original fuel tank in place for strength, and just removing enough to shorten it to fit. I do have one problem with the model at this point. The wheel-base on the Lima are longer then the C Class Silver Fox model, see pics. I have worked on ignoring this for the moment. But will have to face up to the problem eventually. The chassis is not glued at the moment, I just wanted to get the main components to fit together first. But I am happy with how it has gone so far.
  21. The 387 looks the business, nice one. Have you thought about doing any cement bubbles. I am trying to collect the materials for a rake of them but the kinder egg has changed recently. It has a hinge now and will need a lot more work. check out the link below, it might be of interest to you. http://newirishlines.org/2009/06/19/scratch-building-a-cie-cement-bubble/ All the Best Leo
  22. Absolutely Brilliant Stuff Davy, If you get a minute could you post a link to where I can get the name plates, please. Do you use an airbrush for the paintwork? It looks great, I really need to get one, to finish a few projects.
  23. Hahahaha, your first post was only 5 days ago. That's a lot of work in 5 days! And I'm looking to see if you have them finished I look forward to seeing your results Davy when you have them.
  24. Hi Scots Mac Davy, I only joined this site a short while ago with a few to finding out more of exactly what you are doing. I really like the materials you are using. And your results are fantastic. Top draw stuff, God help your ears with the drimal I have a few royal scots from ebay to convert to queens, but feel, like your good self, more work is needed than just a paint job. So the isopon and files are out. I do love what you have done to create your Queens. You were working on E1/ 279 loco, you were going to “alter the cab opening, and give it spectacle windows and safety valves and whistle etc.” The door/side window opening needs to be rounded at the front and the door/opening moved back, along with the step to the middle of the back wheels. No bother to ye I’d love to see this model finished, I hope you get a chance to back to it. There was also the ammonia train, I’m dying to see these finished, they look an easy enough conversion. Have you any ideas for the safety water tankers? I have a 141 and a C class, I would love to see pulling that train. How is the GSR/CIE 650 class? You started with a Hornby LBSCR and with some major surgery made an amazing model. Did you put the rear wheels on her? I love what you did with the tender box and cab roof for the Queens, it is perfect. It really shows one of the Queens best features in full glory. I am really interested in hearing what you will do for the name plates. That has me stumped. It would be a shame not to have a half decent representation of the plates on all three engines. I won't be able to make, I don't brass. The very best of luck with your builds, you really must get them onto a clubs layout to give them a run, some photos or even video would be a real pleasure to see. Thanks for posting your thread, very enjoyable. Leo
  25. The Wickhams and phone box are excellent models. I will take one of each. I am new on here but have already this site to a great resource. I'll contact you through your web site to order these and some wiper kits for a few Silver Fox C and A class kits I got myself for Christmas
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