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The Train Man

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Everything posted by The Train Man

  1. Anthony, I haven't taken it "up" any way,I just thought your comments over two threads were over the top. Certainally no offence taken my me.
  2. Anything but Anthony-I have always defended any members right to their opinion, but respectfully I think your comments across two threads borders on libelous. You are quite prepared to accept your fee (which you are entitled to do) for building these models, which according to your posts you obviously think are rubbish. If they are so bad, why build them??? Would you not be better to tell your customers about the short comings and give them the opportunity to take the matter up with SSM? At least then Des would have the opportunity to resolve the matter with his customers, rather than one man's opinion being foisted on all and sundry on a public forum. As I have already asked-"Can you do better"??? Personally I have spoken to Des (who as anyone who has met him will attest to) is a very approachable guy, about the short comings of this model, and without speaking for him, I believe he took these comments on-board. I feel that your comments were not constructive criticism, but rather a an ill thought out reaction. As I said can you do better?? If you can I for one would certainally support your efforts, as I do Des's or any other local supplier/manufacturer.
  3. Can you do better????? Did you actually buy a kit??? I would have thought that expressing your opinions to Des might be a more appropriate route, rather than slating the kit on a public forum. Who knows it might have been a bad batch.
  4. Speechless!!
  5. For sale??
  6. F**K you mister, I only wanted to play with it!!!
  7. http://www.themodelshop.ie
  8. Sorry to hear of your loss. RIP
  9. 112, 082, and 071 all now back in stock http://www.themodelshop.ie
  10. I might as well jump on the band wagon here: we carry a large of Irish intrest rooling stock and Locomotives:. Mk 2's MK3's, Enterprise, Cattle wagons, 2600, 2700, Caf 3000, just to nemtion a few. We can also respray anything you might require.
  11. The balance delivery of 071 and 082- both in IE Freight
  12. Amen Mr Bracken!!! 112's also available from: http://www.themodelshop.ie
  13. Don't worry, Heirflick of this parish will be along to "mind" me!!!
  14. Jayus- spell check from across the pond!!! We all know you are "peculiar" James!!!! Hope all well with you
  15. Hope to see all our freinds from "de south" in the d'Imperial tomorrow. Starting to load the van now, but if any of you have a particular request give us a bell on 057 8621081 and we'll bring it down!!!
  16. €5.99 http://www.themodelshop.ie
  17. Just a quick one: Bachmann's long awaited Midland Pullman 6 Car DMU have been released today and are in stock. A really fantastic model!!!
  18. give me a ring Rory I'm sure we can sort you out!!
  19. 1. Remove hand rails from Cabs. 2. Remove Cab futherst from fan by gently lifting straight off 3. Firmly squeeze middle of loco body and lift straight off (fan end cab remains attached to body)
  20. Jim Calanders now in stock-€12.99
  21. To the best of my memory they were first mooted late 2008
  22. Holding a 112 in my hand-I have to say the attention to detail is fantastic-the black and orange window farmes really leap out!!!! Well done Paddy!!!!
  23. Just to clarify the pricing issue: We have a special introductory offer of €159.99 for all 3 locos and as stated by Railer it is a TIME LIMITED OFFER. So get in early and save yourself €15!!!!!
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