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Everything posted by john83

  1. Absolutely outstanding work. As a bray man myself this layout is of particular interest. Will be following closely!
  2. Hi all, I am going to be doing a shelf/compact layout based on a fictional irish shunting yard. I am completely new to layout building but had trains since i was 7 (late 30's now). I digress, i have always loved the British Class 08 shunter and was over the moon when i seen that similar loco's the class D (301 - 305) were in operation in ireland in the late 50' early 60's i believe ( correct me if im wrong). From a modelling perspective i have alot of years in conversion, painting and weathering from other hobby areas but what particular class 08 would be the best as a base with the aim to have dcc sound? Is the only noticeable difference the d class and the class 08 the storage boxes on the sides? Thank you Regards, John
  3. Ah perfect thanks a mil. I will pick up a switch.
  4. Hello all, I run a double loop around the Christmas tree and I wanted to have a signal light. I bought hornby R406 however how do I get this to work? The instructions that accompany the signal are for DC only. Do I need to buy additional switches etc or can the signal just be wired to the aux at the back of the hornby select and turned from green to red and back? Seems all very complicated for a single signal. I thought it would be just "plug and play". Thanks guys. John
  5. Hey Noel thank you i went and ordered 2 of the Lenz ones.
  6. Hi guys, I'm looking to get a non sound decoder for my class 141 and 181 and I was wondering if the mm decoder product code: mm00005 would work? It's the one used for the class 071. It's 21 pin decoder available from Marks models.http://www.marksmodels.com/?pid=14482 Thanks. John
  7. I look forward to seeing this project develop. No doubt you will do a cracking job
  8. Oh wow thank you Aclass
  9. Thanks jhb. I will be mainly modelling the 1990's - present period and i might pickup a BR class 150 DMU for repainting. I wonder how much of a difference there is between the Class 150 and the IE 2600. I would repaint it in the livery below
  10. Wow thanks for all that info! Are there many current RTR models out that can be directly resprayed to CIE etc? Lima you are truely a talented individual. I especially loved the maroon and white class 70. Your collection is beautiful. Having taken a 20year break from the hobby im learning so much from this community.
  11. Hey guys, I know DMU's usually arent very popular among rail fans because they replace our beloved standalone loco's but having grown up along the Dart Line i have a fondness for them. They dont really get much representation in the model world in Ireland yet. I was recently at the Bray Toys of Yesterday fair and Wrenneire showed me a beautiful respray of a BR DMU in a CIE livery which got me wondering what DMU/EMU's/Railcars have set foot in this country since rail began here. I see alot of great posts about locos etc but not much about this topic. Perhaps ive missed a post somewhere. Any history experts out there know more on this topic?
  12. Ah fantastic thank you!
  13. Cheers guys ill check out that all scales. Just out of curiosity but what causes the ballast to go pink? Is it due to dampness or oil and dirt reacting with the ballast or perhaps moss oxidising?
  14. Hi guys, I was just wondering is there a type of ballast i should get that would be very typical of what is used on the irish railways around the country? Fine grey etc from woodland scenics. Thank you! Regards, John
  15. Hi Wrenneire when i was talking to you in bray last sunday about the Jouef made in ireland trains, i think i said to you "yeh a guy on irish railway forum put up lots of pics and info about them" i didnt realise it was actually you haha. You should of said something like it was me you plank
  16. That leads me to ask, how do you store all these trains Dave?
  17. Hi guys, First time posting but been following alot of threads. Anyway i was just wondering have any of you bought any hornby railroad loco's over the last few years and gave them some extra detailing and weathering to bring them up to premium standard and beyond? I have a good bit of experience in other hobbies using an air brush so can weather it myself. Wouldnt mind picking up a cheap BR Diesel and giving it a try. http://www.argos.ie/static/Product/partNumber/1075326/Trail/searchtext%3EHORNBY.htm Thanks! John
  18. Hey kirley, this layout is an absolute inspiration!
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