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Everything posted by joe123

  1. Hi Noel I might drop it to 2 oz. per wagon. I was after changing out all the plastic wheels for metal. And used the back to back gauge on them.the track seems fine everything else is running perfect on it. All the wagons were bought second hand and there Hornby which I never had any luck with the Hornby products cheers.
  2. Well lads I did the test run , just useing the 6 container wagons. That was a weight of 42 ounce. Perfect on the straight but keep spinning out on the bends. So back to the drawing board, I will have to half the weight and see how that goes. Thanks to one and all for your great help and suggestions cheers Joe.
  3. Hi lads .yes the wheels were plastic. But I change the all out for metal. And used the back to back gauge on each of them . I agree what your saying about the excessive weight I give it a go and see how it react. Is it easy to burn out a loco motor? Cheers
  4. Hi lads and thank you for the reply’s . The reason I added the weights was because of delrailment. The size of the wagons from buffer to buffer is 4”1/2 inches long. Or 11.5 cm. There the Hornby 2 axel tanker wagons , Esso,BP, Shell. There 5 ounce lead fishing weight on each wagon . Total weight included the wagons 105 ounce. The loco was bought from Hattons It the Hornby class 40 with TT Sound. .There a rake of 15 wagons . Cheers.
  5. Yes that's right. I have a rake of 15 wagons , tankers , and containers and I added to each one a 5 ounce led weight use for fishing. I have all 15 done and the total combined weight of the 15 wagons come to 105 ounces my layout is on the flat with 3rd and 4rd rad thanks to all for the replies
  6. Hi All. I have a Hornby diesel class 40 1.76 scale 00 gauge. And would like to know would the class 40 be capable of pulling a rake of 15 freight wagons ? with a combined weight of 105 ounces . weight all ready added to the wagons Thanks for your help .
  7. Hi Peter Buy a Irwin vise-grip self adjusting wire strippers Just bought one myself for 19 euro. Best thing ever. strip all my bus wire ect. So simple to use. Best buy ever. you cannot go wrong with this tool.
  8. Thanks Richie That's a great bit of information about the weight on the axle Thanks a million. Will get back to you. cheers
  9. Hi most of my stock have plastic wheels and run pretty well most of the time. And would like to know, Would it make much of a difference if I fitted steel wheels. Would it be worth the effort? Thanks.
  10. Thanks lads that helps. cheers,
  11. Hi Can anyone tell me please the name of the paint on the murphy model mk 2 that's the one with the orange roof. As I what to respray 5 of them orange with the black on the side Thanks for the help.
  12. Thanks Maitland for your help. That explains things. I thought that you connect the crops clips to the track and if you made a wrong connection the buzzer would sound. Thanks again.
  13. Hi I am just about to solder dropper to the track and would like to know how does a continuity buzzer work. What do I connect the crocodile clips to? is it the track that I am soldering and the solder wire. Thanks for your help.
  14. Hi What excellent work there outstanding. Were can I order them ? The green and silver 2600 class railcar please.
  15. Hi if you had a Murphy model C1 201 LOCO what coaches could you run with it ? And can you still buy them ? cheers
  16. Good man thanks.
  17. Thanks garfieldsghost. Is there anyone on the site providing a fitting and weathering service ?
  18. Hi Could anyone please tell me what is the story with the modelshopbelfast.com I am looking for a sound decoder and weathering service. but I get directed to Rennicks model tune. when I type anything railway related on that site I get nothing back. It looks to me like a car accessories shop ?. Help anyone Thanks.
  19. That will make a great set up Dave, The best of luck with it. well done.
  20. joe123

    New Website

    Excellent site Dave, easy to negotiate, And some nice products. It can only get better when more is added, easy to check out I did a dry run, Best of luck for now and the future cheers mate.
  21. Thanks Aclass007. great site good man cheers.
  22. Hi Would anyone know were I could buy shipping containers 20ft and 40ft. 1.76 scale. ready made with name logo on the sides plastic, or tin. cheers
  23. Thanks lads, great help. now to painting.
  24. Hello All. I would like to know what colour lines on a Irish railway platform ?. Is it white or yellow ?. I am thinking white. Then again it could be both ??. cheers lads.
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