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Everything posted by joegriffin1984

  1. joegriffin1984


  2. For personal reasons Im offering this for sale Glass cabinet is included: Buyer must collect and have room for the cabinet. Santry Dubin
  3. A nice addition to the collection.
  4. I thought the buses have fire suppression systems in the engine bay?
  5. So it does.. Must look for it before the IAA spots it.
  6. I have about 100 push fit 1:200 models. IM having a few problems with our broadband at the moment but plan to put photos of them all up online. I collect various airline models but I don't build any.
  7. British Midland. Airbus A321
  8. Air Canada 747-400
  9. British Airways 747-400 'Ireland'
  10. Ill start off with some photos of my 1:200 models. Rossiya Airbus A319 / A320 Boeing 767-300
  11. I have a large collection of 1:200 model airliners. Anyone else on this site collect aviation related stuff? I was going to post up a few photos but theres no aviation sub forum. (I know its a railway site).
  12. My FedEx collection taking shape. Always looking to buy FedEx related stuff if any members have anything.
  13. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/old-cie-irish-railway-dart-bombardier-bus-building-magazine-/261183048595?pt=UK_Collectables_Railwayana_RL&hash=item3ccfb90b93
  14. Spotted this on adverts.ie yesterday. How much would it be worth? http://www.adverts.ie/other-antiques-collectables/hornby-train-layout/2655734
  15. You can also order from sites in the uk that will not post to Ireland. Parcel Motels are located all around the country.
  16. If your ordering stuff to Ireland from lets say the UK, this will save you a ton on postage. Read about it here :http://www.boards.ie/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=2056698663 Sign up for free here (get 7euro free credit too) https://www.parcelmotel.com/
  17. http://www.adverts.ie/other-antiques-collectables/3-x-jouef-cie-coaches/1971410
  18. http://www.adverts.ie/other-antiques-collectables/3-x-jouef-cie-coaches/1971410
  19. Quick update, two have arrived so far. Just awaiting their Irish Reg. Darren Hall beat me to the photo. http://www.flickr.com/photos/darren_hall/7577471282/ Its now thought only six are to arrive and will all be for the Cork route.
  20. http://www.ebay.ie/itm/SOMERVILLE-1-43-DOUBLE-DECKER-BUS-RARE-REPRO-1946-DINKY-TOY-1-ONLY-/130660285050?pt=UK_ToysGames_DiecastVehicles_DiecastVehicles_JN&hash=item1e6bf5ba7a :eek:
  21. 150 yoyos for the lot or will swap for 1:76 scale buses. Based in Santry Dublin. Ready to go today. Link http://www.adverts.ie/toy-cars-trains-boats-planes/hornby-lima-train-sets-lots-of-track-exra-stuff-job-lot/1836522?action=success Includes Hornby Strike Force Train Set. Lima Train set from 1970,s Hornby Virgin inter city 125 with one coach only. Extra Wagens (not shown) Enough track for 3 large loops. Hornby Station. Various cross overs and points. Hornby various controllers including hm2000 power controller. Other bits and bobs
  22. Popped down there last weekend, had a look around the depo and transbus accross the road but no joy. Latest is they are ex first bus units and should be here shortly. This goes against a spotting last week of a blue levante in Dublin.
  23. For sale or swap. Lima set in excellent condition and in box. Can be run via batteries (included) or by electric.
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