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Everything posted by Peter

  1. I'll be on the lookout for anything Irish in n gauge. Fingers crossed.
  2. Can someone tell me the exact black and orange colours of IE Class 201, and where I might find the paints? I need to paint my 3d printed loco body. Thanks in advance.
  3. Saw that episode. Beautiful loco. Interesting track.
  4. I thought I'd add to this topic after being in the Model Shop on Capel Street today. In the back of the mostly n gauge cabinet I saw what looked like a loco, and definitely coaches of the black and tan variety. There were three or four coaches. Could be worth a look in the shop.
  5. Hi folks. I have Bachmann set track for sale. The track came with a controller I bought from an eBay seller, I needed the controller for my layout. I have: 8 x second radius double curves 2 x straight track 335mm 1 x power clip. €20 for the lot and can be collected from Clontarf. Thanks, Peter
  6. Thanks for the reply Mike. WS mats are vinyl. I did some research and it seems copydex should do the job.
  7. Hi folks. Does anyone have experience using WS grass mats? How did you manage to stick them down? I've read their mat adhesive isn't great. I'm using a summer grass mat to cover my layout including small hills. I'll use scatter grass and gorse bushes to make it look more realistic after. Thank you.
  8. Thank you for the replies folks. I like the simplicity of the push/pull system. I'll use that. If I had several more points I could justify using motors and a control panel for them. I'l get some photos of the layout online soon. Having a lot of fun building a layout from scratch. Lots of different skills involved. Peter
  9. Howdy folks, It's been a while since I last posted. I've finally made some progress with my n gauge layout. I am looking for advice on simple point control. I have four points that I want to control remotely. Can anyone recommend a simple system to control them? Manual or electrical. Thank you.
  10. This house is beside the railway bridge in Clontarf. I sit across from it whenever I wait for the bus into town. A damn fine house it is. I'm sure someone here knows a bit about its history.
  11. Hi folks, Before I go buying a new one, I thought I'd see if anyone has one of these lying around they no longer use and want to sell. Thanks. It's to control the second loop of my layout.
  12. Cheers Dave. Is there an efficient way or tool to use to strip the bus wire at different parts of it? Or do I just take a knife to it to strip it?
  13. Correct Dave, 5' x 3'. Thank you for the reply. I have most of the feeder wires soldered to the rails. Ready to connect them to the main bus using scotchlok connectors. I was least looking forward to soldering, but find it fairly satisfying. P
  14. Hello folks. I'm currently installing feeder wires on my DC layout. Regarding the main bus - It runs out from the controller, under the main line and then stops before the controller. Should the cable be a continuous loop back to the controller, or is it ok for it stop short of the controller, and rely on the power being fed back through the main bus to the controller? I hope this makes sense. Peter
  15. Can anyone suggest where I might pick up flux paste for soldering? Thanks.
  16. Brasso worked a treat. It got rid of the remaining paint on the coach. Now to give it another go with Brasso and clean it with warm, soapy water.
  17. Wow. Nice. I read n gauge, but alas it's n class.
  18. My coaches are UK built. Hopefully the Brasso gives a decent finish.
  19. My n gauge 201 arrived in the post today. I haven't had a good look at it yet. I hope it's ok. It's going to be covered with an Electra Graphics vinyl.
  20. Hmm. I tried the mister muscle oven cleaner to no avail. The paint must be melted into the plastic. Maybe the next step is a mild abrasive like Brasso, as Adam from Electra graphics recommends.
  21. The coaches were virgin rail, so black and red. Could be the darkest colours to remove as well I guess.
  22. Thanks for the replies lads. I have attached a picture below of my attempt. I started off by using acetone free polish remover on pads. That got most of the paint off, but spread the rest into the plastic. Further scrubbing with the nail polish remover didn't do anything else. Isopropyl alcohol didn't really do anything either. I tried acetone based polish remover then, which did nothing. I'll give the mister muscle oven a go. [ATTACH=CONFIG]27782[/ATTACH]
  23. I tried using acetone based nail polish remover earlier. Didn't work. It's on to Brasso now. If anyone else has experience stripping the paint off coaches I'd love to know what you used. P.
  24. Thanks Mike. I attempted removing the paint with acetone free polish remover and isopropyl alcohol. Didn't go according to plan. The paint mostly came off, but some was left smudged and a sticky residue remains. I'll try again tomorrow with a different remover, and failing that, Brasso.
  25. Yep. I have GraFar Mk3 coaches. I strip the graphic off the side and apply the Irish graphic. I have a body on the way from Shapeways for the loco. Happy days. I'll upload pics when it's done.
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