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Everything posted by Peter

  1. My vinyls arrived from Electra Graphics. I have three coaches at the moment. The question is what combination of vinyls should I use for the coaches? Suggestions welcome.
  2. Thanks for the reply Dave. To confirm, insulated rail joiner on the mainline part of the frog, metal joiner on the siding part of the frog? I see Lenehans on Capel Street have the size cable you recommend. Next question, solder the dropper wires to main bus or use those suitcase clips?
  3. Amazing. Take my money.
  4. Forgive me if I'm wrong Dave, but do you mean the insulfrog points don't need insulated rail joiners as they switch power to the siding? They are self isolating. I thought electrofrog points need insulated rail joiners on the frog. Thank you for the advice on the correct wire to use. Now where to buy. Maplins?
  5. Thanks for the reply. Below is a photo of the layout (5' x 3'), sidings to be completed. Controllers will be by the fiddle yard, which will be hidden behind a back scene. Points 1 and 2 are electrofrog. I plan to use a shunter and other short wheel base loco on the inner loop. Points 3 and 4 are insulfrog, longer loco on the outer loop. All code 80, curves are settrack radius 1 and 2. So I should wire each of these separately, and each length of flextrack? Easy to see where my rails join, have to refit the sleepers.
  6. Hi folks. I have finished laying the two loops for my n gauge layout. Can anyone tell me what size wire to use under the baseboard to main power to the rails, and what size wire to use as droppers to the main feed? Should I feed power to each section of track or drop wires every few feet? Thanks very much, Peter
  7. Thanks for the reply dropshort. I would be interested in the shapeways loco bodies, coaches, wagons and cars. I'm in rented accommodation at the moment so n gauge is the only scale I can realistically work with, and even then it's taking up space in our shared garage. I like the look of n gauge. I'm not worried about everything not looking totally prototypical. It's a representation of the real thing, it can be a little abstract :-) I'm in my 30s so my eyesight is still good too. Bonus.
  8. Does anyone know if there are ballast wagons that resemble Irish ones in n scale? Thanks.
  9. Thanks for the replies. I can wait until the next fair. I haven't the knowledge of how to take these apart and fix the gauge. I'll take another picture later, but it looks like something was added to the top axle which is why it might be shorter.
  10. Howdy, Can someone tell me who the gentleman is who was selling n gauge locos in Bray today? I bought a Dapol class 66 from him. I was testing it out today on my track and the end of one of the bogies wouldn't go over frogs. It looks like the last axle on one of the bogies may have been shortened. Unless this is something Dapol do themselves. Axle on attached picture is shorter than the others. Thank you.
  11. It's on Sherry Fitz website. Unless the ad is old and hasn't been taken down.
  12. Yet again your knowledge amazes me. I drove past it going to Kenmare this weekend. What a beautiful setting for a train station. The house is for sale at the moment.
  13. Does anyone know this station, no longer in use. The platform is down the side of the station house with a bridge just beyond it.
  14. Deleted. Interesting...
  15. I'm using radius 1 and 2 settrack curves on the layout. Peco code 80. Using those radius because of space. I have peco settrack points in the fiddle yard and medium and curved streamline points on the rest of the layout. My shunter and wagons don't have issues. However, I'm going to run Irish diesel locos on the outer loop. Hoping they can handle the radius 2 curves.
  16. I did indeed use my real name. I have electrofrog points for the track the short wheel base trains will run on. Now to buy a longer loco and carriages to test the set track points I have in the fiddle yard. I have second radius curves for my outer loop.
  17. Hi folks. I am wondering if anyone out there has a Dapol class 66 or Life-Like SW9 loco? I am going to buy a 3d printed model or models from Shapeways and these are the recommended chassis. Thanks, Peter
  18. Hi folks. I'm currently laying my n gauge track. I only have a shunter and short wagons. Is it best to test the track with longer locomotives and carriages? Thanks, Peter
  19. Correct Dave. Harry Byrnes posted it a few weeks ago. I live nearby. There's a lovely cottage next to it. Very much like a railway house.
  20. My local pub posted this photo online of a nearby bridge. Can anyone guess the bridge? It's a great photo.
  21. It begins. Image quality isn't great. I picked up my baseboard from Dave on Saturday. Fantastic craftsmanship. I just put in an order with Hattons for my turnouts and extra flex track.
  22. If it's code 80 yes please.
  23. I'll be at the show tomorrow looking for all things n gauge.
  24. I must apologise. I was sick all weekend and never made it out of the house. Do you know what code your track is?
  25. I spent that 20 years ago
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