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Trainfest, Milwaukee - 12-13 November 2022

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I'm making the trek tomorrow (and maybe Sunday also) to the massive railway models show, "Trainfest" in Milwaukee.  https://www.train-fest.com/  It's been maybe ten or more years since I've been able to attend.

If any other members of this parish are also attending Trainfest, such as @mmie353, feel free to send me a private message and maybe we could meet up for lunch there. 

Also, if you're looking for a specific U.S. or Canadian model or parts, feel free to PM me with your wants and desired maximum price.  If it's manageable and I spot it, I'd be happy to get something to you safely, at cost plus USPS postage.  Often, the manufacturers, sellers, and clubs offer show discounts.  Irish modellers in Ireland and the U.K. have been very generous to me with their time and materials, and I'd like to pay it forward.


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