I've been pondering required CV settings to tune my locos for correct scale top speeds on the layout for past few evenings. I knocked this up in excel. I have a 3m measured distance on the layout, but this could be altered for any distance, or a complete lap of a layout to get more accurate timings, but it does give a good approximate speed in MPH. If I get time some evening I might knock it up into an iPhone app.
The net result was MM 141/181s were too fast on DC (i.e. 90mph) but pretty spot on at scale top speeds of 70-75mph on DCC with CV5 set to max of 255 on a variety of decoders (e.g. Lenz, LokSound, Bachmann, Zimo).
Just posting this for fun.
I've been pondering required CV settings to tune my locos for correct scale top speeds on the layout for past few evenings. I knocked this up in excel. I have a 3m measured distance on the layout, but this could be altered for any distance, or a complete lap of a layout to get more accurate timings, but it does give a good approximate speed in MPH. If I get time some evening I might knock it up into an iPhone app.
The net result was MM 141/181s were too fast on DC (i.e. 90mph) but pretty spot on at scale top speeds of 70-75mph on DCC with CV5 set to max of 255 on a variety of decoders (e.g. Lenz, LokSound, Bachmann, Zimo).
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