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Robert Shrives

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Posts posted by Robert Shrives

  1. The Hornby shorty got 7 window s first production as somewhere along the line going short was deemed necessary for "train set" layouts but the compromise saw scale length windows still produced.

    After a spot of froth the later runs the print screen for the windows was adjusted to shrink windows to make for 8 - making the subterfuge less obvious.  On Ebay from time to time you can see sellers not stating that it is a shorty and with luck bargains can be got.    

    In N gauge Garham Farish MK1s had inserts that were moulded clear plastic with frames and have only just been bettered by newest China productions. Later batches had clear printed strip before a fully formed smooth shell - had bumps for door hinges was moulded in clear plastic.  Cheaper no doubt but the bland side was a let down.  So like the Hornby shortie the consumers comments saw improvements to scale lengths and more detailed sides, higher price, but does allow us merry convertors lots of fun!  

    I like the work you have done and it shows how the subterfuge can be improved and used to make trains look longer as the eye can imagineer the lengths .  We make short freights on models and happily imagine a few more between loco and van.             

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  2. 1 hour ago, Mike 84C said:

    I did stick at my job till age 69 but last three yrs part time but I had a reason; small wife and large mortgage!! Often the result of second marriages! Also the EU have made the HGV drivers hours regulations so complicated its B----y ridiculous.  :trains:

    I won`t tell !      FWIW I and I guess Mike will as well know of many rail staff who retired and dies in a matter of years and really saw few fruits of their labours - the worst was just two weeks, made even worse we all thought he had got the wanderlust but he was dead on the floor of his flat. ... The government generously tells me my state retirement  age is now 67.. I might stay longer just to spite them  and the tea is free at work. 



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  3. Hi,  Midland Valenta is a one man 3D print business who has done 4mm current scene bits for HSTs  and a while back started development of a 3D print Mk3s including an EGV - of course he is aware of the MM models but his coach should be available shortly. However I asked could he lift the grills out and sell on their own - as they look like the ones in the Dutch EGV conversion. This he has done and a set arrived today.   



    Should let you find his FB page . 

    Hope this helps more than just me. Robert 


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  4. When  beer was safer than local water  you can understand drinking a weak brew was very common. Water standards in parts of the world have improved so no need for the pales and browns of old, now with designer beers and largers that are strong enough to rot the pipes then the ban on rail transport and limitations on road are essential protections for those buying tickets with the expectation of a safe arrival.   Random and post incident testing now also covers drugs does make you wonder where it all went so wrong. At least railway modelling and Patrick`s evocation of a better simpler time allow some balance!   

    • Like 1
  5. Certainly mastered the Fox lining to perfection - something not to rush but you can get into the flow, but once it goes wrong is the time to stop, refresh - many choices! and then with hands steady and eyes back in focus all will flow again. 

    I really look forward to seeing the whole engine, as even now it looks a star.  

    Thanks for showing your labours.  


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  6. Patrick, 

    It is good to see the recuperation has worked wonders and I hope in the nearest of futures you are back to full mobility. 

    The wagon works and weathering are great and tips filled in grey matter- if I can find them again of course !!

    The short videos are brilliant fun to watch and thanks for putting them up for us on the forum.   

    Take care and stay safe at this strange time


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  7. Hi Just to clarify, Wayne Kinney at British finescale was asked but currently up to his nostrils in 00/EM bullhead point design and perhaps by now building stock for first push of sales - he did indicate when time allowed to look at a bit of 21mm pointwork but this could be a year away.  

    Plain track was with Mr Sprue - who makes short run N gauge parts  and we have looked at a single sleeper with a spacer peg attached, about 10 days ago he was to have a chat with the spark erroder tool maker he knew to see what was possible at a reasonable cost - certainly no name on the sleeper for trials anyway and a modern track clip over a fiddly pandrol type pigtail spring. - given the modern and horrible to my eye of throwing  stone everywhere regardless of cost - ok I know its meant to add to stability of track, then a minimal clip should be visually ok   . If you did want a clip then peco individual lay  should keep you out of mischief.     I will give a couple of weeks and see how Mr Sprue has got on and likely price of tools and a test run.  

    For FB points you are on your own with soldering iron and copper clad as bearers - check out C&L.

    Of course I will update once more known.  cheers and thanks for interest.


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  8. Hi 

    Having part built two 4mm ones  it has been a case of trawling the internet for details. 

    As  a thought on front ends is it possible to provide a wrap around to avoid the corner join - with having join on a door line perhaps? 


  9. Had time to watch this the other day.  It did look pretty muddy at times and a shame that no future use for it - cannot see a housing estate on the brown field  site of the refinery as being likely for many years with inbedded pollution.  I guess rail would be good to a preserved line before two long.  

  10. Brilliant work , a 3D printed strip the gussets and brackets inspired and easy for you  !  Certainly as much fun as soldering up on the SSM version.  

    The Railtec transfers are just the job as well.   For weathering perhaps some frisket masking sheet cut to decal size and then a gentle "dunk" in rail grot  will certainly tone down the black..

    To add the foot bridge is sublime, but how long to print, really asking for a friend who was looking at printers.

    • Like 1
  11. Useful for turnback of trains, guess clipped oou for 6 months waiting on S&T and new ops instructions about use of crossover. Work does seem to have gone well and I am sure the gang retired to a suitably socially distanced mess room to celebrate with a cup of tea....    

    • Thanks 1
  12. Have fun , building track  is generally therapeutic!  and like riding a bike once lessons over it is not forgotten, but then experiences kick in and progress can be quick. - But like bike riding falling off/ over the handle bars a risk - burnt fingers and not cleaning off flux properly  spring to mind.


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  13. Well a hour spare yesterday allowed cleaning of the bench and then I thought time to fit tail lamps and latest from crail- containers are not glued but held by the black tacky stuff used to retain electrical string on models. - and very good it seems.  


    Glenderg lamps on IRM - by everso slight opening up bracket to buffer beam the lamp slide on and no need to glue.


    C Rail B+I on  IRM flat - ex pw spoils and bogies give a quick brush over with bauxite. In back ground is a Yellow 2mm sherpa casting acting as a chock for a MIR 45footer which is work in progress.


    The two water tanks got lamps - ok so naughty having lamps both ends but hopefully loco will disguise most of the time. I did learn having read already ! the handles are very fine - do not use tweezers on the handle.. Another view of the 45 footer, I have added little black dots on the container lug  pocket to suggest the hole therein. What the camera has shown is that I need to add hooks and vac bags to the barriers, SSM  kindly have supplied holes so better fill them.  


    The Bell is my effort as shown a while back.  So that has used all six  flats off the discounted bulk pack from IRM Crimbo bargains period.  I now have green boxes with yellow spoil containers tucked away - if anybody is after just the yellow boxes...   Back to the spoils , bogie  and 4 wheel Cements, beet prototype, container oil tanks for coal and oil train and bogie tanks - so the barriers can be usedful!  - 20 plus trucks to keep me off the streets - lockdown does have its benefits..

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  14. Looking good - always good to see historic modelling ! A great shame the real ones now out of service. The mods do look quite extensive . Check out Shawplan  glazing items he has a range of MK3 lazercut tinted glazing to suit. 


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