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Robert Shrives

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Posts posted by Robert Shrives

  1. 1 hour ago, Georgeconna said:

    N would be the biz in Irish Railways, A proper rake of M3 is waaaaaaaay too long for most layout along with long block trains like containers and cements, taras, I have a 12ft Scenic section and the Mk3's stretch across all of that.

    Going off topic but I have a box with 6 Mk3s painted up and Adam Warr at Electra graphics has the available kit to do some. 3D print 71 available - but a bit weak on details and chassis a fun mod. If Dapol get the N 59 out then the chassis would be a good crossover for a 3D print 201.   

    Sorry modes ! back on topic if sales go well good it all helps clear the shelves!

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  2. DJD , 

    Now a bit of N would certainly flat spin the big boys ! but the OO/N market share is a 10/1 so if we cannot get a GSV past the boys then N fat chance ( throwing silk glove to the floor - N 071 anybody !)  ( Dapol Mk3s a possible commission but no GV.- £80K for tooling ...... )  Dapol / Gaugemaster GWR HST celeb set arrived today and spot on ! ( sorry off topic !!)


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  3. Back on 7th July the first photo  has right corner the hint of a problem - the two lift door palletised cements.  Hard to find decent pics on the web and on here and RM web allowed a read and view of others and improvements - really helpful to me.

    Castings on the three wagons varied and I was unable to use the crosshandles for the pallet retainer controls and used some small brass brake wheels to hand - seems quite a few got changed in real life.

    As a result while not finished progress has been made, couple of pics of work up to this morning.     


    One of the three -all now the same with end door runner chain supports and the counter balance wheels fitted. Just need to sort fixing chains to doors themselves - anybody got close up pic ? 1242250331_Irishwagons271120005.thumb.jpg.14a4c3dde72bfe498148485e2939bf07.jpg

    Kayee 19s on plasticard mounts , hook from Lanarkshire model, 1.5mm channel to add substance to the simple bar moulded, bodies cut down to right height 

    2016450024_Irishwagons271120009.thumb.jpg.5420c6c82c8fb3ebb98c0585524c2bee.jpgThis end has  the clamping system part built, need to add a bit of tube - first effort removed as to clumsy in plasticard - now considering bras tube. You can see the two brake wheels - I can see the white metal shafts breaking one did see blob of glue - brass 0.7mm wire will be the way forward.  On interest is the pulley on the shaft - A rubber belt drive pulley from Nigel Lawton stable ,  4mm dia 1.6mm wide , 1.5 shaft hole - sleeved to 0.7. looks much sharper than the cast offerings - the others I used a dremel as a lathe and cut groves and parted in half to give a simmer affair, to match the photos I found.  Nigel`s pulleys recommended.    


    Rake of cements waiting a 141 !    The book "From CIE to IR" by Mark Darby and friends has on page 83 and 94 two inspirational pictures of these wagons at work. Showing livery had deteriorated to faded pale blue and rust with the taughtliner sides looking colourful in comparison.        

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    • WOW! 1
  4.  cheers lads a great bargain and hope you sell out , sadly all cash on gypsums and 121s - and some N gauge that has been on order for several years now up for delivery the next couple of weeks - so will have to pass ! but would have been useful..

    Eating dry bread as it is ! I would like to keep a roof over the boxes of models !


    Will save up for the 50% A class next year of course !  or 20 % of the class 80 multi pack Sandite option. 



    • Like 3
  5. A chance to revisit the work pile saw work on 12 items this evening, bogie beets, Bell containers, barriers, 4 wheel taughtliner cement and the IFM 47 footer got a bit of details added. - but as supplied as part of the bogie history project. Some quick pics follow.   


    The 4 bogie beet bodies with on left a BT xx number panel and then a height notice and a "Dublin containers" label, all from the Robert Roache stable ! and readable with good eyes but beat my little camera or what I know about it anyway. Will look good behind a 121/141/181 lash up, yes it should be 13 long but layout will, when built not be big enough...  


    The tanks are in the last of a precision paints brunswick but will get weathered after transfers dry and over coated in klear floor stuff- seems quite inert. 


    I muted  the blue with just a drybrush of a tan earthy colour  and happier as a result. 


    The IFM 47 footer - a 3D print and 3D bogies - added kaydee 19s  and rail tec transfers to the buaxite livery along with yellow stripe - not sure that goes with the round buffers but it makes a splash of colour !      

    • Like 5
  6. Des at Studio Scale Models shows transfers for the Intercity  legend and has loco numbers - as does Railtec , who also does a very good lining  stripes.   

    The SSM logo is shown for coaches but I guess could be enlarged if asked . The respsray does look good and could be refreshed and then varnished - lack of a protective layer as has been mentioned above was a shame and shortened life of the product. 

    SSM also do some natty etches for headlamp surrounds and the like which would lift the front end.  When you put MM alongside it is fun to note driving cab end windows differ everso slightly! with the Lima version taller.   I just wondered with the resurgence of Irish modelling in Hornby would consider a  "Linmby" 201...      

  7. Good luck to the seller!

     I got mine for £45 from the now closed  Ian Allen in Birmingham off the bargains table...

    I have put this on the watch list just for fun.


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  8. Brilliant news , just hope nobody of (in)substance in what might be called the UK government  has a bright idea ! - mind you past perf does mean we are pretty safe !!! 

    Sweaty palms at idea of big box gypsums and 121s landing shortly. Can join a MM 201 in Enterprise livery that came this week...  might be on dog chews myself ..   



  9. I guess anything that stops multiple new border crossings must help in keeping costs under control, I am sorry on a personal level that these changes have been required but it is indeed the "price" of democracy in its many colours at this time.

    I look forward to IR 121s before three long and hopefully before border doors slam shut..  Sadly A class will incur added costs due this change  or "new opportunity" as UK gov sees it in the world of flat spins.. 


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  10. Dhu Varren - It was the build report and esp grills on yours that inspired me so thanks for showing again!   Sadly I guess the sales of rtr fall on the same alter as the weedspray / GSV but by an even bigger margin ...  Even a pregrouping British 2-4-0 will sell more if latest news is to be believed ( off topic I wonder if the chassis will be of bigger help to bashers and scratchers out and about / on here .)   

  11. As a result the market will cool for a while the implications and ramifications sink in and adjustments made to the lack of  easy of purchases. I guess we just had it lucky now the pain that others around the globe trying to trade will be experienced in this bit of the globe.   Like the U boats in the early years - the happy days are over.

    I am sorry that the UK has gone down this isolationist path but at least it does mean it can return albeit a poorer player in future years.   


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  12. Have to say I got the original dutch van from SF and mugged up  the "apendages" and a new end from plasticard and a jouef MK3 donor for the corridor connections and a load of filler - got as far as the grills which to me looked like MK3 Gen vehicle spares - but can you get then on their own - so now looking at how to use suitable plasticard  made grills - but having made a start with the Enterprise have enough grill material from the power car bodies - to last a long time or several attempts, this thread could well tempt be to get it out of the naughty toys box for another go.   

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  13. Good work, some pics show shiny ratchet strap holders - perhaps a later addition but having straps over will give some colour and relief to the bags.   I wonder (not looked) if military modellers have anything of used in the way of sand bag walling that could make moulds if the unit train idea gets wings ?

    Thanks for showing 


  14. While an example of paypal modelling a lovely example of the 47 footer from IFM rocked up from postie today ( collected from sorting office.)  photo later - just needs some numbers and being light as its a 3D print a ballasted container required.    While having tanks and cements to finish and other wagons to come I was looking at the rail carriers I have seen some photos - they look quite high decked with cranes and are 62 footers IIRC. - looks like I could use a BR MK I underframe  as truss looks similar.  Seen pic of just two  behind an NIR 111 (0) class loco.      These might make  a good little lockdown project, have to source bogies.


  15. I think it is a much smaller power pack - I saw a top down pic a while back with a puny little pipe sticking out of roof towards one end with soot streak on roof. The new larger sealed roof plate suggests original gear lifted out in a one way move. 


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  16. Lockdown 2.0 - Well in real life work as busy as ever but a chance to revisit 2005 thanks to Robert Roache. 27504 4 wheel new body beet one off and a start on 4 of the 2005 bogie container style box body. 

    All are lovely 3D prints with cross bracing glued in the bodies are done in minutes - but as reported 6 hours printing per container.  The 4 Wheel has a base box and then the framing as a printed overlay - plasticard for door,hinges and catches as easier to do than anything else. As its a development model it shows just a little mod to bracing to get perfection. But way beyond my ability to make bracing so neatly - a big thanks to Robert.   Chassis yet to be decided but I have some 4 wheel 20 foot tohand- somewhere !  


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  17. Dear Dr. ! 

    I had thought much the same but as the popular phrase - "hard to un see" when you know they should be there.  I went back and added to tanks and my IFM flats - I also added some axle box and springs from Lanarkshire models these lift the model another level.   All skill adding and with time and steady hand improves models. However it is yours and if the two foot rule is achieved then enjoy all you do! 



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