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mphoey last won the day on August 30 2020

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  1. finally gave me an excuse to get some b4s
  2. only 1 set here for evaluation wont see service for a while yet but will be operating first on the dundalk drogheda line till electrification is done
  3. i usually back track 2 and it brings me to the page i was looking at add new one then backtrack 2 again
  4. yep the new alstom hybrid
  5. wow a very interesting and unusual choice first preorder done
  6. wow very intersting choice
  7. i have to agree we are nearly back to the days of the original lima 201s they were available to buy for a good time after release easily. suddenly they were gone but the ammount of stuff released in the last 10 years has been exceptional and perhaps some modeleers no longer have the space capacity for more stock . IRM is going out on a limb with certain items especially with such a small market. Paddy murphys current 141s have not sold out yet whilst we all await the next batch of 071s is both IRM and Paddy Murphy considering that the market is oversaturated now compared to 10 years ago
  8. they look spot on so looking forward to them arriving
  9. so 2 expensive items and 2 hopefully reasonable for the next few months but will look forward to the first steamer
  10. thanks for the honesty guys. it probably will mean tough decisions on other irish items going forward which is a shame but understandable. i just have to work out know what to do with the cancelled railcar orders i had looks like about 6 sets
  11. maybe do like herpa and wiking and make plastic ones works well for railway vans
  12. just wondering have these started to be posted out yet also no sign of post notifications for the bullied flat and corregated wagons
  13. probably in the next 12 months as well after the steam loco and first /dart unit
  14. will keep selling until irm announce the c class
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