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Dr Gerbil-Fritters

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Dr Gerbil-Fritters last won the day on December 15 2019

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  1. I'm looking forward to an as-delivered 071 and some mkIIIs in the original livery. That's what the future looked like, 40 odd years ago.
  2. So are these the fakes? Excess product made and sold without consent?
  3. I was pleased to see a pair of the new 700 class shunting a Tara Mines set. Well, it's what the 201s should have looked like
  4. If anybody wins my cement bubbles, I'll throw in a C-Rail Bell container for free. One container per set.
  5. Lads, sad to report that the Castle Kerry line has been closed and lifted, and all the CIE stock that's starred in this thread will be for sale on the Bay of E over the next few days.
  6. Progress on The Big Station has been delayed by warped plywood and work, but I've been twiddling about with planning it out. If I can escape chores long enough to get a new sheet of ply, I should be able to crack on with it this week.
  7. Will take almost 5 minutes to go from terminus and back... A big improvement on the previous set up and what the rebuild was intended to achieve.
  8. 077 takes a test train to check that the return loop works as it should 20200812_150214.mp4
  9. A wee taster... over 90 in the shed today
  10. A wee taster of things to come... A rough back of a fag packet calculation suggests a smidge over two scale miles for a train leaving the station throat on the raised section, traversing the layout and returning...
  11. Big infrastructure works in progress...
  12. Castle Kerry is undergoing a massive rebuild currently... It will be back later this summer in a new improved bigger format. Hopefully
  13. Its a Bank Holiday, so nothing is moving at Castle Kerry. ... but some strange rolling stock has appeared. Doubtless it will be gone as soon as the gricer grapevine swings into action, and no-one will ever believe it
  14. I've been having some fun with the old LokProgrammer, so here is a very uninteresting video 20200508_161629[1].mp4
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