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Posts posted by chris

  1. Some facebook comments saying its not quite original livery, whats the difference? I am going to presume its just the door being yellow rather than black at the front?

    Good on IE for doing more retro liveries, this looks fantastic.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, DiveController said:

    Bit of a cluster, same thing happened with the 141s button many times. Don’t need to be clearing caches instead of choosing models

    seems to be a firefox thing, worked for me on edge, would never load the pre-order button on firefox

    • Informative 1
  3. 30 minutes ago, DonderBlitzen said:

    At the bottom of the email is another link to add to basket for multiple orders, you can do that for each email you get and buy them all together.

    Blatantly obvious in hindsight, thanks

    • Like 1
  4. I can't seem to get my 2x locos to convert to a single preorder, following the link from emails will only load 1 to cart and bump the other off.

    How can I get both into the one transaction?

  5. I always find it a bit interesting how much the two different liveries make the coaches look slightly different shapes, the orange feel more rounded at the roof ends than the Galways at first glance.

    looking forward to finally being able to have a full rake of Galways after many years with just the EGV

    • Agree 1
  6. 45 minutes ago, aclass007 said:

    Which livery is actually being produced? The post above says IR livery with white stripes, yet the images and description in the shop says CIE Supertrain livery.... 

    Those images are placeholders only. It is IR with stripes

  7. 6 minutes ago, Westcorkrailway said:

    It’s not from halfway around the world…actually it is from Donegal 😁

    oh ☺️

    looks very like some of the odd stuff you find over here in NZ. I wasn't aware of the central buffer being used in Ireland. They are a huge pain in the ass IMO, and absolute pigs to work on over here (I'm in NZ). I've pulled two apart already and a third has to be done tomorrow, so overly complicated and with age turn into sold masses of rust 😅

  8. On 7/12/2022 at 10:57 AM, airfixfan said:

    Would like this one Andy


    wtf is that?

    Is it from NZ?, narrow gauge, silly central buffer.


    Personally I'd like to see Merlin (& co) produced

  9. 2 hours ago, DJ Dangerous said:

    Are you joking? You're moaning about no Mk2D updates the day that we get a Mk2D update!

    What is there to be skeptical about? If I say that I'm gonna run a marathon for Christmas, then get knocked down by a car tomorrow, I'm not likely to run that marathon, am I? Too many external factors can affect projects like those from IRM and MM.

    Is the Mk2D update not good enough for you because it doesn't also include a Mk3 or 201 update?

    Jesus dude, calm down.

    what mk2d update are you referring to? The opening post? Just part of the rumour, until confirmed its not news, any more than 141s are.

  10. 11 hours ago, DJ Dangerous said:


    Why "behind" ? It sounds like there will be samples and photos, which would imply that these are not "behind" anything else but ahead of them.

    Mk2D's were always the logical choice before Mk3's, assuming the tooling still exists.

    Ahead, behind, whatever. My point was simply that MM have announced mk2s, mk3, 201s and now 141s. The first three have been announced a long long while yet nothing has appeared.

    The 201 and mk2d schedule was late last year / early this and no updates at all since that was missed.


    Can you understand why I would be sceptical?

    11 hours ago, MOGUL said:

    How many models have you released Chris? 

    Without giving away too much detail(not my place to do it), I can confirm this one has some substance to it

    None, but I'm not a manufacturer now am I.

    If they are actually manufactured great, just on past history I am not going to hold my breath about seeing released models anytime in the next few years, especially based on nothing (so far) but random rumours on a website, when their own website hasn't been updated in a long time.

    • Agree 1
    • Confused 1
  11. ah lads, damn ye. I just went and bought a load now because of you blabbing on about containers 🤣

    though at the same time, good job on the what ran / didn't on the local network so I can get the right ones.

    • Funny 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, Westcorkrailway said:

    How did practically no one guess mk2s 😂😂😂

    Well I assumed actual Irish stuff and Murphy already has the mk2 covered.

    Looks nice but this will be a miss from me, no resonation with NIR coaches like these unfortunately.

    Good stuff though guys, keep it coming.

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