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Posts posted by chris

  1. 4 hours ago, Mayner said:

    B125 & 126s arrived this afternoon 7 days after shipment from IRM in Dublin & just a day late for my birthday.! Meanwhile B131 is on its way from Rails wonder when it will turn up?

    B121 was fine after its journey 126s with a broken leading vacuum pipe and damaged snatcher on the 2nd mans side. 

    The big question is whether they are re-gaugable to 21mm and to find a space in the display case for them along with my other Murphy Models diesels

    lucky you mayner, customs got their claws into mine, no release date as yet :(

  2. I commend you for doing this and they look really nice and I honestly hope it works out!!

    Personally they're not a key interest area for me and being outside that combined with the price (which I totally understand for a limited run of very high quality product) I'm afraid I couldn't justify the spend given there are so many other up coming items I have a more direct interest in. Maybe if the interest is there for larger runs and the pricing comes down somewhat I could go for the CIE 10T opens as they are of minor interest.

    Best of luck with this project, done the survey to try and reflect how I feel above, saying I would have a degree of interest in the 10t, hopefully it helps a bit at least.

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  3. In reality though mayner you need to be unlucky to get pinged for GST in NZ. None of my railway purchases have ever been stopped by customs to add the tax, and most were well over the $400 Mark. The declaration on the box usually gives a lower value regardless of what store has supplied it. It's easy to get around.


  4. On 2/15/2019 at 1:46 PM, Garfield said:


    CIE 002 Cork


    The first photo may be making a liar out of me, as the loco has the original windows while fitted with CAWS, although the date listed in the caption is 1982, in which case CAWS didnt go ‘live’ for another two years (it’s not carrying the ‘S’ suffix to indicate CAWS is fitted, however, despite the antennae being fitted). Maybe 025 was fitted with a flux capacitor...

    how exactly does a loco end up looking like that? is it just the black peeling off?

  5. Too good an opportunity to miss even if it might set the CC on fire!

    I'm certainly not as much as fan of these as some on here, never really saw them in real life, but knowing how good the quality is going to be based on everything so far it's a no brainer to pick up a couple for misc uses around the layout.

    Once again well done to all at IRM!

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  6. On 10/3/2018 at 6:28 AM, Warbonnet said:


    The good news is that we have finally secured a way for them out of China after much searching around, phone calls, emails and annoyance of several logistics managers. The not so good news is that there was no space available by air, and instead they are travelling by sea.  This means that they will now arrive in approx six weeks time. 


    Should have put it on the train😂


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