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Everything posted by Thomas

  1. Looking for a Lima Class 20. What I am realy after is the chassis of one. Thanks.
  2. Brendan Curran "Train Repairs" will have a stand there.
  3. Just a note to let people know that a small railway exhibition will take place in Dungarvan Co Waterford on the 24th and 25th of November. The end of this month. I am aware that other events are clashing with this and the short notice given will not help. This event is a being held in Coole Country Cottage’s, Dungarvan, Co Waterford, 11 am to 5 pm both days. The cottage’s are behind Radley Engineering on the N72. (Follow the signs for Coole Cotages) Titled “An exhibit of Model Railways and Dungarvan Historic Railway”. Saturday and Sunday. All done in a Christmas atmosphere beside a log fire. Tea/coffee available. The purpose of this is to highlight the traditional Irish cottage’s, Dungarvan Historic Railway (Dukes Line) and to try and expand the art of railway modelling. The layouts are distributed through the cottages. There are 4 HO/OO layouts and 1 N scale. There is also a very special G scale train (Digital with sound).
  4. I had to send £12 via a sterling draft about 3 weeks ago and it cost me €19. Also a sound decoder that I got today that cost £120 I expect will cost my around €160 using my credit card. The euro has fallen trough the floor plus the various charges that the bank charge you whatever way you pay for it.
  5. The Midlands Model Railway Club will be hosting a Model Railway and Diecast fair on the 16/09/2012. It will open at 10 am and conclude at 5 pm. Further information will be confirmed at a later stage.
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