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DiveController last won the day on July 27 2020

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    SCUBA, Snow Sports, Martial Arts and the obvious


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    Testing the physiological limits of humans ...

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  1. I believe that the issue with the Irish coaches was systemic rather than sporadic based on the many examples I purchased myself. IRM would know how many bogies would need replacement for every customer based on their own order books. I presumed that they would eventually issue replacements rather than everyone having to make warranty requests which is a very inefficient process even for them. I have none of the UK coaches in question but surprised Accurascale didn’t already clarify your question. Again they should be able to issue the correct bogies in due course I would say.
  2. and they're all gone
  3. Free for some … been discussed previously. But I do have some points. How do I access their value at checkout? IRM ordering process for ex-EU is much simpler than having to email Marks to refund the VAT which should not have been charged to begin with
  4. Don’t seem to be many pictures of the grain loading process unlike the beet haulage
  5. I thought the was gonna be an update around the time of the Wexford show and thought I had missed out on that. Thanks for info
  6. Any update on these?
  7. FREe MOney, you use it for new IRM models!
  8. Is the IRM product being shipped even in possession of a single courier company from pickup to delivery? This seems possible only if they operate their own road vehicles and planes. Are the products handled by the courier solely when loading and unloading at airports/containerized and secured prior to handling by a third party? and what is the situation at customs?
  9. Arse! Previously, we had a countdown to a countdown! Which one is this? And where is the countdown , not visible on the site? Arse…, Feck! …., Fran is coming again
  10. Ok, figured out you guys all left early for the Wexford Show. Patrick helped me get it all sorted and paid
  11. OMG! I knew someone would recreate this in model form one day @derek near the end of their lives some of the GSWR (I think) 6wheelers were used to transport turf after the roofs were removed . This may have been during the Great Emergency @jhb171achill
  12. I have an issue with a method of payment but have ben unable to contact IRM by Live Chat or telephone. What going on ? @BosKonay
  13. Wait until Jan 2025 to see things really go down the tubes
  14. I think you’re breaking your own rules here, with In Stock and PreOrder items, demonstrating our problem in essence, I suppose. Don’t think you’d have to be concerned about shipping at that zip code though
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