Final Bantry scenic board went up on Saturday, all lined up, no derailments, signals added back and attached to servo motors, Wiring all connected up, NCE powercab should be waiting for me when I get home, started to add in vehicles and small scenery items and posed a few bits of rolling stock.
Productive weekend, and it gets busier from here. Contractor coming in hopefully next week to level off the stepdown and build a partition wall, roof cleaners on standby for the shed, meeting an artistic friend of mine next weekend who'll hopefully agree to paint a back scene on the walls surrounding Bantry, and in talks with a crowd to get a roller door put on the shed.
Few small cracks in brick and wood work to fill in, need to relocate a socket to a more advantageous spot, and finally, get building the permanent extension.
Lots of work on the horizon but seeing Bantry built and ready for action will be worth it