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Posts posted by dave182

  1. [video=youtube_share;5HmkCBIsOW0]


    In the video above 2:50 onwards (credit: Irish Rail Trains youtube channel) you see the Tara mines heading off empty while the 201 approaches on the left inside track with a container train. Just wondering in this instance (my health and safety hat is on now!) where are the drivers getting instructions from? In the case of the 201 there is no signal protecting the points ahead. He rolls the train right up close to the points- but I don't see any protection (signal, trap points etc.) What prevents a scenario where the 201 coming in to the yard and for some reason doesn't stop, crashing into the taras? Are the yards managed locally by on-the-ground personnel? What safety protocols are in place? I'm assuming the guys form a train and release it back to CTC when it's ready to go and vice versa? Any info appreciated, may be of help for operating sessions and prototypical shunting

  2. So the question once more is- do railways actually make money? Any one know of a clear-cut profit making passenger or freight line that makes money? I assume for example that if you took some thing like the Timber or the IWT freight and added in the actually running costs (labour, fuel, a percentage of line maintenance etc.) then I'm sure they must be loss making too?


    Dave182, during storms on the Bank Holiday Monday in 1996 (28 October) one of the gantry cranes at Belview collapsed, blocking the Waterford - Rosslare Strand line. The line remained blocked until 11 November, the delay in clearing the wreckage of the crane being due to the presence of some HazChem containers in the debris. During the closure of the Waterford - Rosslare Strand line beet trains from Wellington Bridge to Mallow were diverted to operate via Wexford and Dublin. The IRRS Journal of February 1997 (No. 132) has a great picture of 087 with a beet train on Bray Head on 30 October 1996 (see page 351).

    Thanks Josefstadt! I'm always learning on this site!

  3. Good stuff Glenderg. I would imagine it might be the other way round though- import Biomass to Ballina to feed the plant until local production and farmers pick up the slack. Would be great if it was being produced for onward shipping though.


    Edit: yup as I suspected: http://m.mayorenewablepower.ie/#content


    This would indicate that the Biomass flow will be short-term or seasonal, so can't see IE investing too much.


    Ak425- just a quick question re your post there- Beet on Bray Head?? Just asking as I intend to build a layout based on that route and I suspected the occasional beet train might have been diverted? Any further info? (Sorry to bring this off topic, maybe start a new thread?)

  4. I know of a guy in the Wexford area who installed a biomass facility to provide heat intensive business, and he said it was the worst thing he has done because he can't source product here- Irish farmers simply not growing enough and don't seem to have an appetite for it either. Price is now higher than oil or gas. He's pooling resources with othe users and gonna start importing by the ship load.


    My idea was that farmers in the west my have embraced it and be railing product to the south. I also think that the big ESB plant in Edenderry has been upgraded to Biomass. I assume that the plan would be to plant old bogs with willow and draw it back like the turf.

  5. Jesus Phil, you're putting us all to shame! I can't believe how much you have achieved in 6 months, and a subject matter that is on the other side of the world! You're weathering and attention to detail is unbelievable. Seeing the rolling stock against some scenery is just fantastic! Keep up the good work!

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  6. I get more and more frustrated with this country every day! I am reading this thread with my mouth wide open- In my naivety I thought for a split moment that we might be EXPORTING biomass, or at least moving it to industry at the south end of the country. Never mind that we have a super climate and lots of unused land across the west and north of the country, sure why would we be bothering with that biomass stuff? (And don't get me started about natural gas!)


    Back on topic, it would make sense for IE to use containers in the short term for biomass. A 45' high cube container for example holds 86 cubic metres, about 2/3rds of those purpose built Drax wagons. I'm also thinking that because the product is pellets, the might use something like a 30' IBC/IFF style of container. These have hatches in the roof for loading, and are emptied using a tipping road trailer. Not sure what kind of weight is involved with biomass- I've seen 45' versions of these containers for carrying light pellet product like plastic pellets. It would certainly add some variation for modellers.


    Is there enough freight to Ballina yet to warrant the re-opening of the western rail corridor?!? With Sugar Beet coming as well it could potentially be a very busy line once more.... (as he drifts off into an orange black and white filled dream world...)

  7. And just an afterthought, if rail were being considered then surely that would involve the Limerick Junction to Rosslare line being revived? Is there an appetite at Government level and IE to be investing in rail freight? Another potential 'gift' of a freight flow that they probably don't really want.

  8. I learned over the past week of the fairly ambitious plans by Beet Ireland PLC to bring back sugar production to the island. This is steaming ahead with farmers having secured quotas for 2017 and beyond, only 3 years away. I'm speculating, but I believe a preferred production site has been secured in the South Kildare area, which is very well served by road and rail. As well as sugar the plant will be producing liquid ethanol.


    If this rough location were to become a reality, do you think there is a business case for a rail link, given the much improved road network across the south? This location would put much of the traditional beet growing areas within 2 hours drive. Surely difficult for rail to compete with?

  9. Just looking into various weathering techniques and you've given a superb tutorial here David. To follow up on Pop eyes question, can the weathering be 'sealed in' to allow for some handling? Anyone can advise?

  10. Tom, I'm in the same position as yourself in terms of the pressures of everyday life and free time seems to be non-existent at the moment. However I always enjoy dipping in and out of the forum when I can. Some times it's just looking, or for reference. More often, even though I'm not modelling at the moment or have a big layout on the go, I'll try and make a few contributions and add to the banter. And on rare occasions when I've had a few free hours I'll try and post up a few pics of my efforts (normally a kit bashing effort that ends up stuck to my fingers and/or my workbench!) And sometimes I might not get on here for a couple of months.


    My point is this. It's a free forum for what is a very small community. It caters for all skill levels, so if one is looking for a community of rivet counters and fine scale building only, then this is not just the place.


    Being an Internet forum, you have a mix of people who may now each other in 'real life', those of us who know each other from the site itself, and the usual 1 to 2% of 'Internet trolls' that are on all Internet based forums. Again, being a small Irish site, the craic and the banter naturally comes and goes, and I certainly feel it has the right balance. However, the Mods do on occasion have to step in and regulate. What might be take as a bit of craic by one member ( maybe because they are known personally) might be taken up wrongly elsewhere.


    You say 'we came here from the old sites with promises of good things but to be honest it's worse'. You obviously had different expectations of how the site would work or the direction it would take, and that is fair enough.


    When I see posts like this I always remind people that the site is run, moderated (and funded) by a small few people, giving their own free time to do it. Forums will come and go and can only be as good as what the members make of them in terms of input, content and contributions, and I certainly have valued Riversuirs contributions.


    It's a hobby at the end of the day, and a half hour at your workbench after a ***** week, with a can of brew, single lightbulb and a little plug in heater, fumes from various paints, solvents and glues giving you a better buzz than any head-shop, and a vast array of body shells, kits, bogies all spread out in front of you, 20 started projects and not one finished.... That to me is what it's all about.


    And personally, its nice to have the IRM forum open on the laptop in the background, to reassure me that there are a handful of other nutters up at midnight doing the exact same thing!

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