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226 Abhann na Suire

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Everything posted by 226 Abhann na Suire

  1. Yeah hahaha it was quite the eventful day I suppose… managed to see it come through Killiney still in steam but not looking the healthiest so I thought some bad news was on the way…
  2. Thanks a million, that’s a great help. Is 131 not starting the journey in Connolly? Hopefully we get smooth sailing this year unlike the last few runs that steam engines have had over the Wexford line!
  3. Hi all, Was thinking of popping out to see No. 131 on the RPSI’s ‘Sea Breeze’ railtour from Dublin Connolly to Enniscorthy on Sunday August 20th and I’m just wondering if anyone might have any info on the movements surrounding the railtour, about carriage transfers, loco transfers or anything. Any info would be appreciated. Regards, Oisín
  4. Spotted it this morning in Waterford Sallypark Yard behind an 071 and with a 40ft Liner Flat either side. Not sure if this was general testing or related to the new second track they’re laying through Ferrybank (on the Rosslare side of the current station) for the new station
  5. I think Galway/Athenry to Tuam/Claremorris/Westport has great potential opportunity as a railway, maybe not as good as other projects in the country which should get priority, like some of the capacity improvements mentioned already, but I personally think the reopening of the line further from Claremorris to Collooney and Sligo is just nonsense. The trackbed is much too overgrown and even completely built upon by towns in many areas and the work required to bring it back into use would wayyyyy outweigh the benefits it would have when in use. Yes railways are the way forward, but there’s no point in trying to bring a small number of passengers from a very rural line back to rail when they have a perfect good road already. The amount of people using the line would, I imagine, be very low. While I appreciate the amazing work that West on Track are doing for this part of our country, I think that some of their plans can be a bit more idealistic and nostalgic than realistic. Doubling of Galway to Athenry and reopening of Athenry to Claremorris would in my opinion be the ideal and most profitable projects. Phase 4 of the WRC (Claremorris to Colooney) should definitely be kept from the greenwaying plague but I just think that at the moment, the market is not there, and money (a rather sparse commodity in this government) could be better used elsewhere.
  6. The third track and platform at Clonfriffin seems a very underused asset to me, it would be an ideal place to board passengers on a DART while an Enterprise passed it out. Clontarf Road would certainly make an easy passing loop fix too, what with the stabling sidings that already join back up with the main line beside the platform, not to mention them being pre-electrified, but it may be too close to Connolly to make this viable. Raheny would be an ideal second location for one too, although that might be a lot harder to achieve.
  7. Hahaha indeed, that’s my plan exactly!
  8. Happy New Year to all! Much to be looked forward to then by the looks of it! Work for the new year looking very good soo far! It’s an amazing and extremely admirable project and while I would love to volunteer and help out, living in the opposite corner of the country and still being in secondary level education means I wouldn’t likely be much help, but keep up the outstanding work to all involved!
  9. Just catching up on the thread after a while, progress looks absolutely unreal!! Does this mean that they’ll have two carriages soon enough? And of the same type..? Is there plans as well to rebuild the station building or is that more of a long-term goal? As I said the work looks absolutely amazing, everyone involved you’re all a credit to yourselves and the Irish Railway Community! Keep it up and Merry Christmas all
  10. Brilliant!! Would love to head up for a look!! Is the eventual plan to have standard gauge track running for the entire length of the line? Also how long is the proposed length of line that the railway will run for? Is it open for business yet and if not have ye an expected opening time for narrow and/or standard gauge running? Sorry for all the questions but it’s a fascinating project and I wish everyone involved the best of luck with it!! Keep safe!
  11. Hi all, I hope everyone’s keeping well! I’m just wondering if anyone has the timetables for the Ballina - Dublin Port IWT Container Trains (a rough time for a pass through Drumcondra would be helpful too if possible!) and the timetables for the DFDS Ballina - Waterford Trains!! Much appreciated!! Stay safe!
  12. Heading North or Southbound because, in the end I actually saw the empties heading north behind 088 at 16:10 through Howth Jnct so I’m all happy now!!! Thanks!
  13. Ok thanks a million @jhb171achill! Guess all I can do is hope I’ll catch them!!! Timetable very helpful though so thanks very much for that and I’ll remember about the inconsistency in future!! All the best!
  14. Even if anyone knows are they the same times as in 2014 that would be good as I’ve found those! Thanks
  15. Hi all, hope everyone’s keeping well! Just wondering, I’m in Dublin for the week until Friday (June 4th) and am looking to do some long overdue train-watching!!! Can anyone tell me the up-to-date times that the Tara Mines Trains arrive/depart Navan/Alexandra Road please?? A time for a pass through Howth Jnct would be helpful (no hassle if unavailable!!) too as I think I might go there to spot; I’m looking to film a variety of stock! Much thanks and stay safe all!!
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